How to Properly Cuss Someone Out in Manzinho
The most important part of any language.
Common Phrases
"Você cheira como um cão feliz"::"You smell like a happy dog" -Everyone knows what makes dogs happiest in life, and that's what you smell like.
"O gato deve se limpar."::"The cat should clean himself." -Mind your own damn business, basically. The implication being that the cat should wash a specific part of himself.
"Cobra gorda"::"Fat snake" -This one actually works the same in Manzinho as it does in English. You're a snake and you're fat. Not very creative but it get the job done.
"Você parece que acabou de comer uma criança."::"You look like you just ate a child." Wipe that smug look off your face, fatty.
"Bebida do cão."::"Dog drink." -Yellow toilet water. Used like we use bullshit.
"Espero que a coruja te encontre."::"I hope the owl finds you." -The Manzinho share the common folklore, that the pitchblack Elcadaverian Owl is source of all nightmares. Use when you want to say 'Damn you.'
"Dorme com os cachorros."::"Sleep with the dogs." -Go to hell. If you haven't noticed by now, the Manzinho lack an appropriate appreciation for man's best friend. Dogs are often consigned to undersized kennels outdoors. It's more common for a henpecked husband to be sent to the kennels instead of the couch.
"Macaco balançando."::"Wobbling monkey." -A drunk.
"Avestruz"::"Ostrich" -There's an odd bit of common "knowledge" that says the large flightless birds will only mate with their mothers. Nobody can quite figure out where it came, if it was a prank that took on a life of its own, or maybe a bad case of misidentification amongst early zoologist. But the myth has had remarkable staying power, as reflected by this colorful little insult.
"Espero que você saiba o quanto sua mãe chora."::"I hope you know how much your mother cries." -The Big 'C' for Manzinho. Use sparingly and only as a last resort. Or when somebody steals the star in Mario Party.
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