Gran Astillero Settlement in Nine Realms Around a Dead Tree (1st Draft) | World Anvil
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Gran Astillero


"Ruled" by the Jetsam Council. They don't do much.


A natural harbor with only one entrance. The Council seizes every other cannon that comes in on prize ships and puts them towards canvassing this entrance. A couple are placed on the walls of old Minakabir.

Industry & Trade

Ever since The Dread rose to the head of the Jetsam Council, industrialization has taken over. Several specialized factories have cropped up around the city. Whether this is a good thing or not depends on the person. Some people believe it's destroying what made the city so great to begin with. They would prefer all industry be limited to the chop shops that dominated dominate the wharves.   Of course, this being a pirate haven, Gran Astillero has robbed all the parts needed to make the finest shipworks in the know world. For the men and women who spend their lives on dangerous waters, knowing their ship about to disintegrate underneath them is worth every single ill gotten penny. So the men and women who fix their ships often the wealthiest people in the new city.   Both factions believe in the power of trade, and oh boy is it booming. Dawn to dusk and back again the bazaars are open. Everything ever made on Elcadaver can be found on sale somewhere. Drugs are popular, spices even moreso.


Little of the old city survived Alzilzal, with the exception of the Aljabbar Walls and the docks. The sewer system still exists, but is prone to flooding during high tide and heavy rains. The pirates have greatly expanded the dockyards, leading to them ringing the entirety of the harbor. Sawmills providing boards for repairs and new ships are increasing in number. The Dread has personally overseen the creation of several factories, including one for manufacturing arms, and another for steam engine parts. They are churning out product at a prodigious rate.


Much like it's eclectic mix of people, the buildings of Gran Astillero represent architectural styles from nearly every corner of the known world. Vae wattle and daub huts with layered palm leaf roofs can be sandwiched between a crumbling Aslihat domed mosque and a modern Inkazimulo brick and mortar duplex.
Outpost / Base
Fifteen thousand
Inhabitant Demonym

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