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Nimrasea, the World of Broken Glass

Zadiel 14, 1491

Nimrasea, in Old Common, quite literally meant "World of Glass".
It is said that when the primordials created the planet of Nimrasea, long before any humanoids roamed the land, they created a world of pure smooth glass. Everything was made from glass. There was no sky, no oceans, no life, only glass. It is said that the four types original primordials, came together to create it. Melucina, the primordial of earth created the sand which the fire primordial Candraji then melted and shaped into the world. Nemenia, the water primordial, cooled the molten glass, hardening it, and Sharameena, the air primordial, used the wind to make it smooth and clean. It was the first and only thing the ancient elementals ever did in harmony.
When gods and men appeared, the gods needed a place to put their new creations and so begun to convert portions of this untouched, perfect, and featureless land into oceans and forests. The first ever elves are said to have walked the earth with massive flatlands of glass where lakes and forests would be now. The ancient elven gods who would later become the Seldarine created fantastical creatures of magic and wonder, including the first elves, while the gods more attuned to the darkness created creatures of night and of death. It is said that out of the primitive stone metal of the newly flourishing glass world, Moradin created the Dwarves. No one can agree on where humans appeared on Nimrasea, but most historians agree it happened somewhere around this time.
The elementals did not take well to their creation being tainted and in the world beyond worlds, the Astral Sea, the old gods and and the four ancient primordials did battle. The war raged for millennia over control of Nimrasea and supposedly, was so destructive in its nature that it caused both the Astral Sea and the Material Plane to collapse into dozens of pieces. A few shards of Nimrasea broke off into four pieces, and the resulting damage caused the elementals to become the beings of pure chaos they are today, and those four shards became known collectively as the Elemental Chaos. Two more shards, the essence of Fey and the essence of Night broke off to become the Feywild and the Shadowfell, echoes of the Material Plane. Finally, the Astral Sea itself shattered into dozens of pieces, creating the various Outer Planes that we know of today.
This battle became known as the War of Hearts, and it is said that this is why a massive streak of white with branches like a tree illuminates the night sky. Ultimately, the gods triumphed over their forerunners and took claim of the world of glass, finally converting it completely into the world we know today, but leaving the crack in the sky as a reminder of what happened. No one knows which gods survived the War of Hearts or what happened to the four original elementals. Any gods that may have witnessed the time before the elementals are long since forgotten.