Dark Wood Tree Species in Night Dragon | World Anvil
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Dark Wood Tree (Tree)

The Dark Wood Tree grows most commonly in the Dark Wood Forest where it is both framed and grows wild. After cutting the trees if nothing go there the tree is replace and regrow. The trees like to go in a shape unlike other tree that grow wild and had different shapes. The Dark Wood Tree seeds gathered from farms and the wilds used in cooking.

Basic Information


The Dark Wood Tree is a Dark brown colour with a lighter brown wood inside.

Biological Traits

It's leaves from a ciries like shape. The Dark Wood tree has long darker brown patterns on the tree.

Genetics and Reproduction

It spreads through a cut of the tree or little seeds.

Growth Rate & Stages

It takes 2-5 years from the tree to fully grow and be ready to cut. Also the only tree without flower instill the ground to spread or grow smaller tree around it.

Ecology and Habitats

Tread to like rainforest area or just about anywhere where it not too wet

Biological Cycle

There grow little seeds summer and early autumn once fully grown.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

They are for their wood being the easiest of all the Dark Wood Forest wood to gather and cut down with growing fast too. The Dark Wood tree grows small seeds used in cooking.

Civilization and Culture

Common Myths and Legends

There is a little story about when the trees disappcared the animal and food did too. With even the air changing is a story they tell all the young Dark Wood Forest kids.
Brown Paper bark
50-70 years
Conservation Status
This is tree is almost everywhere it can be in the Dark Wood Forest that trees care about so little but they do care about mistreatment of the trees. Sometime being called a weed the Dark Wood Forest use that to their advantage with the trees being blocked out by water.
Geographic Distribution
Related Materials


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