Tsia Xitano Character in Nideon | World Anvil
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Tsia Xitano

Godmother of the Pelan

Mother Tsia Xitano (a.k.a. The Great Mother)

Tsia Xitano was the matriarch that united the Pelan people of what is today southern Feren.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tsia Xitano was dark skinned, with long black hair, which she wore in many braids, common among the Pelan people. She stood 5'7," approximately average height in her tribe, and walked with a limp.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Tsia Xitano was born to the queen of one of the larger Pelan tribes on the Otakul sea, in what is today southern Feren. As the tribes were matriarchal, she inherited the leadership, and soon after she came into power, she initiated a program to bring unity and peace to her people. She abolished her tribe's caste system, declaring equality among all people and developed programs to provide for the poor. When her tribe had an abundance of food, she brought gifts to nearby tribes. But it was primarily religion that brought her people together.   Tsia spent a great amount of time speaking with the holy women of the different tribes and learning about the different religions, especially the similarities and differences. She then visited all the tribes over and over, preaching that they all worshiped the same deity, and that they would be more prosperous living together. She also sent a search party in search of a more fertile land to live in, and when they returned having found such land in the Tiline River Valley, the other tribes declared her blessed and agreed to unity, making her The Great Mother of the Pelan people.


As the child of her tribe's leader, Tsia was taught by her mother all about the political, social, and economic aspects of caring for the tribe. She learned the basics of every necessary job in the tribe from hunting to cooking to childcare. She also studied under the holy women of her tribe, learning all of the details of the religion, and how these fit into leading her people. Tsia was also very curious and sought out other things to learn, often visiting other tribes to see what knowledge they might have that her own tribe did not. She was especially interested in the religious beliefs of all of the tribes, which were unified by the worship of a goddess of the plains, but differed from each other in practice. She used this knowledge of what people believed and were accustomed to in order to build a larger tribe under which all people could live peacefully.


Because the Pelan people have always had a matriarchal society, Tsia knew from a young age that she would one day take her mother's place as leader. As a result, she was groomed for this position, and her mother kept her by her side while visiting families and settling legal disputes.. As a child, she served tea during important meetings, and her mother would later drill her about the important things she heard. As a young woman, she served as an ambassador to nearby tribes until she took over the leadership role entirely.
340 378 38 years old
dark brown
black, worn in many braids

Cover image: by Molly Mar


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