Darke Elves Species in New World || novae terrae | World Anvil
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Darke Elves

Written by WangXian_Stay

Darke Elves are some the worlds most facinating species to this date. Their unusual features, capable talents and adaptability to their location make them even better than humans when it comes to survival. Darke Elves fall underneath the category of Elves. They are a subspecies, most famously knonw for their brewery skills, which are unrivalled in the Arcane World .What makes them so fasinating is that Darke Elves have a deep history, and a wide variety of adaptatons to live in the the underworld; a desolate place, habitable to those who can survive in the harsehest of coditions.

Basic Information


Darke elves have similar stature to humans, with a few differences in the tsature and shape of the anatomy. Their arms are lightly elongated, and they have sharp talon-like fingers. Their ears are distinctly sharper, and much longer. Darke Elves have a very sharp,pointed face. Their heads are a little disporprotionate to humans.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

These sub-species of elves are extremely aware when it comes to their surroundings, and they have amazing sensors and reactivity to their environment. Darke Elves have a wide variety of methods to communicate with their environment and surrounding. Each of these have been honed and perfected over generations and genartions of adaptations, along with extreme skill training.  


Darke Elves have an amazing sight, along with the ability to see in the dark. Using ann adaptation, their eyes can switch to a sort of infrared vision, enabling them to see heat signatures. They are amongst the only two elven sub-species to have this abilty.   A downside of their extreme night sight is that during the daytime, their eyes can become irritated by the sunlight, and extremely sensitive to any light sources except for flames.  


Darke Elves have flat, sharp ears which enable to let them hunt easily. Their ears are more suited for protection, as they use their estrodinary sense to hide away from the darker creatures that live in the Underground.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Tenebrae Dryades
70 years
Conservation Status
Rare species, but are currently not protected as they are sentient and have human understanding.
Average Height
1.3m to 1.7m
Average Weight
50kg- 80kg
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking

Body Colour

As suggested by their name, Darke Elves have a typical body colour that ranges from a honey brown colour to a dark mocha apperance. Before leaving the head clan [see ___] Darke elves used to have a fairly tanned honey dew coloured skin. However along with the harsh conditions of teh underworld and they, developed their unusual skin colour and traits which make them famous today. As well as the almst uninhabitable climate of their homes, Darke Elves have such a rare and unuiqe skin pallete due to generations and generations of elves messing with potion.  


Typical Darke Elves all have a purple swirl tattooed onto their right shoulder as a sign of being in the clan. This mark gets taken during the coming of age ritual, in which an elvling (young elf) turns 15 and is seen as a fully fleged adult.

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