The Longest Journey West Document in New Luoyang | World Anvil
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The Longest Journey West

"Here's the real story behind Sanzang, the unluckiest monk that ever lived. The truth behind the Monkey King, Mister Pig, and the River Ogre!"
— Tagline for the film adaptation of Longest Journey West.


To report on the lands of the historical Western Region of Asia, including India and the Middle East. It was written as an encyclopedia compendium.

Document Structure


The entire set of records comprises twelve volumes, of 120000 Chinese characters.

Publication Status

Public domain

Historical Details


Xuanzang had gone to India to study Buddhist scriptures 17 years before he had the book written.
This book helped give a clearer picture of the world beyond Tang China's borders.


Xuanzang was inspired to go on his longest journey after meeting Faxian, another Buddhist monk who had done so.

Public Reaction

After Xuanzang's report that there were lands further west than India, or Europe for that matter, some enterprising explorers decided to search for the new land themselves.

However, they didn't necessarily report the whole truth back to Emperor Taizong or the emperors after that.


Due to Xuanzang's dealings with Indian royalty, he helped foster diplomatic relations between India and Tang China.

The resulting export of seafaring knowledge, religious belief, and manpower became part of the reason why the New World got colonized by Chinese mariners first.

This book also provided inspiration for a storyteller nine centuries later to create a heavily fictional account of Xuanzang, hence popularizing his reputation as a very unlucky monk with supernatural bodyguards.
Record, Historical
Authoring Date
646 AD

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