Hilene Character in Neria | World Anvil


Hilene Sideris

Hilene was a woman who lived centuries ago during the Endless Night, and supposedly reached apotheosis by absorbing the heart of a Night Beast.

Divine Domains

Hilene is considered a deity of wisdom, change and sacrifice, and is often invoked in times of great suffering and disturbance. Her Priests, the Eyes of Hilene, watch over the people and offer therapeutic and medical services, often adept in psychology or medicine. She is believed to be a symbol of human ascension and the ultimate goal to which all compassionate people should strive to.

Physical Description

Physical quirks

Hilene was said to be "crooked", potentially a birth defect of some kind. Specifically, "One shoulder rose a little higher; one leg a little bent in ways the leg should not. Tis a wonder she can walk at all -- another of her miracles."

Specialized Equipment

Hilene is often depicted with a long stick pointed at the top, which she may have used as a walking cane on account of her physical difficulties. This stick is said to be the one used to kill the beast poisoning the village's water supply, but this is debated.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Little is known about the true history of Hilene, but early documentation suggests she was a young lady living in the east of what is now the Querian Empire. A few diaries found suggest there was an epidemic within the village caused by a poisoned water supply, and Hilene was born at some point during this time, considered a 'miracle birth' as many children were stillborn at the time. Records praise her as being the kindest, wisest girl in the village beyond her years though the accuracy of this is uncertain.   Though it is unclear whether the contamination of the village's water supply was deliberate or caused by an animal of some kind, evidence suggests that potentially there was something or someone caught and killed by Hilene that led the village to revere her as a saint. Her cause of death is unknown, but if it is to be believed that she consumed the heart of whatever she killed there is a high likelihood that this poisoned and killed her.
est. 15-19
Light brown
Light brown or auburn, curly, shoulder-length in most depictions
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Rich brown
Aligned Organization