Alvion Species in Nebula United | World Anvil


Alvion is a generic description of several genotypes in the universe. The difference between Geno depends on the genetic coding of the world they are from, environmental or engineer evolution differences. They are classified as little hair little feather Aves.

Basic Information


They are a bipedal species with with 3 talent in the front of the foot, they have integument skin from there feet to nee and the rest has glabrous skin like most other specie. Two arms hands and 10 fingers one head that has a mouth, nose, two eyes with diamond pupils, and two rounded ears. They have two wing come out from shoulder blade.

Biological Traits

Most Alvion are right-handed dominant they do have the ability to have Mutations and Psionic abilities depending on which Geno it is.

Agents when dealing with Alvion becareful not to make them up set. They can fly and do tend to like to structure that they're one of the only flying sentient speed. Besides that they're easy to tell apart eat the Geno has a very set of feather colors.

Genetics and Reproduction

As Aves, they produce offspring right by engaging in a meeting practice. Where the male of the species will insert its genetic coding into the female. To finds the egg and marriages together, then afther a month the female lay an egg after 8 months of gestation they produce offspring

Growth Rate & Stages

There are four main stages of Alvion development to full maturity. They are Eggling, hatchling, children, and adolescents to reach full maturity the adulthood. The time that there are in each stage will depend on Geno they are part of and the planet's rotation and environment.

Ecology and Habitats

They tend to live anywhere but their body would prefer a mix climate with fresh water and lots and high altitude with some vegetation. Thanks to scientifical advances and the will to survive. They can survive pretty much anywhere they want and have.

Dietary Needs and Habits

All of them are omnivores they need veggies and meat in a certain level for each of these products. They need more meat then veggies.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

They have lips soft to the touch. They have hair on top of the head depends on the Geno and depends on what colors it will come in. They have rounded ears two of them. Two eyes depending on the Geno. Will depend on what color the irises can be will be but their pupils are diamond shape. Depend on their geno they could feather around their hair line.

Average Intelligence

All Alvion are able to learn and grow depending on their environment and willingness to learn. Till they do seems a bit scatterbrain at airheaded at times.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They have the ability to hear, see, touch, taste, and smell these are their primary senses to understand the world around them.
  • They can hear between around 20 Hz to 20k Hz
  • They can see wavelengths around 380 to about 750 nanometers
  • They average sense of touch
  • They average sense of taste
  • They average sense of smell
Around 135 to 250 years
Average Height
Average height falls between 5.0 ft to 5.10ft
Average Weight
Depends on the location, their physical level, and genic code
Average Physique
Their physique comes in many shapes and sizes of all types. These variances are even within the Geno depending on location and then external environmental differences Their physique this based on two things genetics and their living situation. Basically how active they are and what they eat. For the most time most of them are in shape because to fly they need to be under arrest certain weigt.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Their skin tones are dependent on which star is their home worlds has. So they can either have as Human if live yellow sun or similar to Twilummos is the have sliverblue sun. Their feathers color are dependent on their genotype.

Articles under Alvion


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