The Book of Romulus Paladinus Item in Naveen | World Anvil
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The Book of Romulus Paladinus

No mater wether you are a man, an orc or an ooze, if you decide to lend your life to a God, no one should hold you back.
— Romulus Paladinus
Romulus Paladinus (-641 to -578) was a knight, and he chose to wander the lands of Naveen, protect the innocents and deliver the voice of his god, Oxius. After twenty years of wandering, he returned to his hometown of Reagad, where he started forming young knights to become what is now known as a Paladin. At this time he wrote The Book of Romulus Paladinus.   This book describes the ways of the Paladin, describes what one must accomplish, what he must protect or slay, and so on.   Here is the index of the book :
  • Chapter One : Prologue
    • My early life
    • My training
    • The End of my adventure
  • Chapter Second : Training to be a Knight
    • Learning to fight
    • Learning to judge
    • Learning to serve
  • Chapter Third : Becoming a Paladin
    • Protect the innocents
    • Protect the Gods
    • The Oath
  • Chapter Fourth : Staying a Paladin
    • Staying true to the Oath
    • Favors of the Gods
    • Paladins and Reputation
  • Chapter Fifth : End of a Paladin's oath
    • Breaking an Oath
    • Retirement
  • Chapter Sixth : Bestiary
    • Monsters to slay
    • Monsters to protect
  • Chapter Seventh : Epilogue
  This book is stocked in the Library of Reagad, where many young knights come to read it, as copying it was forbidden.  

Paladin names

Deity-talk, the language of Angels, should be used as names, as Paladins are their servants, and should try to mimic their masters.
— Romulus Paladinus
One of the rule that was always respected, was about the names : Paladins, when they come of age, choose for themselves a new name, formed of two words in Deity-talk (equivalent of latin), as they believe that angels called themselves that way.  

The Paladin's fighting style

Paladins fight like knights : they are resistant, and wear strong armors, and they try to get the attention of the enemies to avoid getting their allies hurt. Where it differ though, is in the use of Magic : Paladins are able to repel undeads, discern good from evil, or cast a divine Light upon a foe. Thus, Paladins are a great addition to a party of adventurers, as they also have spells to protect their allies.  

Difference between a knight and a Paladin

I met many knights over the years. None seemed to me as they were remotely similar to paladins, save strength and good will. They fight for themselves, or for people. I fight for my gods.
— Romulus Paladinus
Knights may protect innocents, be brave and strong and fight for justice wearing shiny armors, they are not Paladins. The difference between a Paladin and a knight is that Paladins choose to serve a god, thus acquiring favors from that god, and giving them holy magical abilities, differencing them from knights, who can only relay on their strength.  


One of my students broke his oath once. The splendor of his armor flew away, and the flame of good in his eyes became paler, until they were fiend-like. At this sight, Julius Octavius, his own brother, leaped towards him and slew him.
— Romulus Paladinus
When a Paladin breaks his oath, he is presented a choice. Either he loses all of his holy powers, or he keeps his powers, and chooses to serve a Dark God, or a demon. The book describes a few cases of Oath-breakers achieving redemption, and becoming Paladins again.  

Paladin retirements

I never planned to stop wandering around the world. I would still be, if only I had not taken a poisonous arrow to the knee. My powers could not contain all the poison of the projectile, and I my leg became weak. I prayed, many nights, and asked what I should do, until one day Oxius decided to lead me to this place, where I continue to fight, by forming new Paladins.
— Romulus Paladinus
A Paladin is allowed to retire by his god, on special occasions. If a wound forbids the Paladin to fight well, he will not have to continue to protect physically, though he will still need to stay good and just, if he wants to keep favors from his gods. When a Paladin has a child, he will sometimes take the decision to stay with him, and stop adventuring. Whether his god approves or not depends on who he serves.  


Monsters are not all evil. I have met a Dragon once, protected of Red Scales. The Dragon was young, for a dragon, and he did not attack me. Instead, we talked for a while, and had tea.
— Romulus Paladinus
The book states that some monsters should not be slew, such as, for example, unicorns, as they are not inherently evil, nor dangerous. Some believe that all monsters should be destroyed, as they are "Agents of chaos", for instance. Some other monsters are also wrongly assumed wise and good, such as dragons, as they can be evil or good, according to their color, history or education.  


The book has been criticized many times, for example, for the apparent sexism of the author, who considered a male more apt to serve a god than a woman. He was also criticized for forbidding romantic and sexual relations, claiming that a Paladin should not be too attached to anyone, wife or child, and protect everyone equally. A lot of Paladins ignore that rule, claiming that their main motive for a fairer world is their care for their loved ones.
Item type
Book / Document
37 x 26 x 9 cm

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