Raposa Ethnicity in Nativis Lunae | World Anvil
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Raposa are variations of humans with feline qualities. Raposa have ears that resemble that of a cat or fox, and a tail that can grow to be from 4 to 8 inches, and sometimes longer. Their hair and eye color can range drastically, having a wider range of natural color than the Aeris   They are noted for having both keen sense of smell and optimal eyesight dim lighting.   Raposa also have an affinity for milk, which usually induces a euphoric sensation; however, excessive quantities tend to cause stomachaches.

Naming Traditions

Family names

It's common to have families of Raposa with a last name being that of a plant or mineral. Often, names are also derived from notable people within the family.

Other names

Raposa's first names are often flowers or gems, but the most common names are foods.


Culture and cultural heritage

Raposa have had a cultural background of natural science and experimentation. Often, information about nature is passed down through generation in books and journals. Information is valued and considered one of the most important things to possess.   The adoption of the beginnings of scientific study from the Aeris led to the Raposa becoming the dominant cultural majority when the Aeris' culture focus shifted from natural science to physical beauty.  

Milk Cakes

First made in the church of Nyaan, a popular Raposa snack and dessert is the 'milk cake.' This small, square pastry is made out of dough, milk, and sugar and topped with a special frosting that hardens after a few minutes

Common Myths and Legends

Raposa folklore stated that the The Hero of Gold was a descendant of both Raposa and Chari heritage.    Most Raposa generally recognize both The Two Storywriters and Nyaan as important figures.


Relationship Ideals

It's generally established that after dating (usually around a month with a single person of the opposite gender) to find the right partner, Raposa will marry and stay with their spouse for the rest of their life. Adulthood is considered to be the age of 14.
Related Myths

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