The Underwater City of Vaporean Settlement in Natia | World Anvil
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The Underwater City of Vaporean

Vaporean is the underwater capital and namesake of the Kingdom of Vaporean found in the Sea of Lumbralee, and inhabited mostly by tritons. The city has a rich history and has a strong religious following of the sea god Lumbralee of whom is the cities patron god. While a great city it has fallen into despair in recent times due to a brutal raid from the followers of Umbralee, with the city now rebuilding itself from thei sworn enemies onslaught.


The City of Vaporean was founded as a small pearl farming village around 1005 AGD by a group of nomadic tribe of triton who had roamed the western seas for decades until they found a point abundant with pears within the area now known as the Sea of Lumbralee. Over the centuries more triton would flock to the city as word of Lumbralees protection spread across the waves, increasing both its sizer and splendor. The cities relegious fevor would lead to grand statues to their benevolent sea god which would dot the landscape of Vaporean, pleasing their benefactor and leading to boons and great riches being bestowed upon them.   The City of Vaporean would soon start spreading the world of their god to other cities and towns within their vercinity, and through the methods of willing and unwilling conversion almost the entirety of the Sea of Lumbralee was under their control or influence by 4000 AGD, leading to a great renaisance for the city lasting over a fivehundred years.   This spread of the belief in Lumbralee however did not escape the eye of the worshippers of the goddess Umbrealee, who while being but a small hinderance over the past couple of thousand years had become become more united and organised and began a series of attacks that would trigger the first of the Wars of Waves, leading to great destruction for both sides, with Vaporean eventually being sacked in late 2755. Despite this major setback rebuilding was commenced immidietly with adventurers and heores of the kingdom sent out to retrieve various artifacts looted in the attack.
Founding Date
Large city


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