The Draemios River Geographic Location in Natia | World Anvil
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The Draemios River

The Draemios River is the largest river in Daemos, so large in fact it is considered one of the continents great River-Seas, stretching southwards from Lake Eebaigum all the way down the continent, splitting it in two all the way to the Mouth of Daemos. It is the most vital part of trade and travel between the north and south with its waterways allowing for faster travel than would be possible by land.


The beheamoth of a river starts from the Heavenfall Mountains with Lake Eebaigum as its source. Along its journey southwards to The Mouth of Daemos, The River Draemeios becomes the border between many great powers. The two largest of these being The Drachenreich of Sorvia along with her subordanate kingdoms, and The Kingdom of Renjia. Both of which the river runs between for almost half its length. After this the river passes by some minor kingdoms and states until finally reaching the Mouth of Daemos through the Draemeios River Expanse.  
Kingdoms and Lands Along The River Draemios


Contrary to its currently large length and width, the river was more a series of lakes and smaller rivers connecting them all the way down to the Great Worm Desert. When the Heavenfall Meteor struck northern Daemos in 1060 AGD, the impact caused such terrible damage to the world that the god of nature and life Galaraphen wept for an entire year filling the wound with her tears, however whatever filled the crater with water overfilled it and caused a great amount of flooding through the large valleys surrounding the smaller, now disconnected rivers which created the great beheamoth that now stands in their place.   It did not take long for the denziens of Daemos to get used to what explorers would come to dub as Sea-Rivers, and many sought to quickly explore its many new waterways and islands, with traders quickly drawing new routes and re-drawing old ones throughout the waterways in order facilitate faster trade. Many trade ships would pass through the Draemios's water ways, the most famous of being the blue ships belonging to the Regin Stuburt Shipping Company.   However the large amount of trade goods and money that flow through the Draemios and lack of a unified naval force to patrol the river due to local kingdom and state refusal, has led to piracy becoming rampant throughout its currents with many successful and famous pirate captains making a name for themselves through pillaging those who travel the rivers course. This in turn would lead to riverway mercenaries like The River Dragons, to become popular along its routes, these groups would be instrumental in protecting innocent people up and down the Daemios from not just the pirates lurking around every rock formation and island, but the many beasts and monsters lurking below the river.
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May 22, 2022 00:27 by Michael Chandra

Good thing there's mercenaries to help keep people safe. So those bridges, how high are those? Can all ships pass them, or are there ships so tall that they are limited to just a section of the river?

Too low they build who build beneath the stars - Edward Young
Jun 3, 2022 11:19

Kinda shitty governments if they leave the protecting to mercenaries :p lucky that they are there. Cool origin myth for the river!

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