November 4, 2022 in NaNoWriMo | World Anvil

November 4, 2022

First Update!

Daily updates are a little unrealistic I'm finding, but I'll try to pop something in here every few days. We're on day 4 of NaNo and things are going well! I'm on target to finish on time, joined my regional writing group, hang out in the NaNo section of the WA discord server, and have been able to work through some pretty difficult life events and challenges. This may not be the case for everyone and I hope you are doing well out there.

I fell short on day 1 but gained back the ground on day 2, and got my daily average sorted out to be back on track by day 3. Today has been a little hard to focus and get words down, but I've got a little under 2hrs to find those 1100 words I'm missing. My editing goal may not be realistic, but I'm still trying to get that done at the same time, so there will be a lag in when the writing comes out because I'm splitting time between writing and editing and the writing comes first.

My Mood So Far

by RandoScorpio

I'm still excited and positive about the project. I've run into some world building I had forgotten about and needed to take a few breaks to work out how things will work within Mitleria. Life's thrown a few curveballs, I had to go to the dentist (an anxity inducing event), our dog got sick and ended up in the emergency vet for a week (she's doing much better now and is home being pampered), and because of stress I tried to flood our house (not on purpose). Despite all these setbacks I've been able to stay in a good frame of mind for writing, although it's been harder than I expected to get the words out. Once the stressors are reduced I'm hopeful to rebound and really get things back where I wanted them to be. My dentist visit went a long way to helping me repair my relationship with that event, which is nice.

Stats on Day 4

Average Word Count
1679 Words/day

Writing Speed
20 Words/minute

Where I Write
At home.

Projected Completion
November 30, 2022


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