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In the beginning, the world was ruled by forces beyond mortal comprehension. Gods and dragons were indifferent to lesser beings, or bestowed favors on a whim. But then the benevolent spirit Ivara stole the secret of magic from the heavens and delivered it to mortalkind. With this gift, mortals built kingdoms and worshiped Ivara for Her goodwill.   But this golden age was not to last. Their new prosperity caused mortalkind to become greedy. Many sought power, wealth, and immortality, and a few succeeded. The Exemplars, as they were called, began to rule over mortalkind as the gods once had -- fickle and often cruel in their judgement.   Worst of all these was the Infernal Dynasty of Old Nierunal. These Exemplars styled themselves as the direct heirs of Ivara Herself, but they dishonored Her name with their tyranny. It was with Ivara's blessing that they were struck down by the armies of the Great Crusade, led by Kabidya the liberator.   Kabidya's proclamation after the Infernal Dynasty's defeat at the Axis of the World marked the dawn of a new era. No more would mortalkind be dominated by forces beyond their control. Instead, a fairer and more peaceful era was to be ushered in. By Kabidya's order, a Great Charter was penned, and her armies settled at the site of their victory to become the guardians of justice and righteousness known as the Sentinels, who have guarded mortalkind's freedom ever since.

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