Dökkâlfur Ethnicity in Náttúran | World Anvil
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The term means dark elves in the native tongue. The Dökkâlfur are direct descendants of the original elves. When the dragons forced them to care for their eggs, this group refused to become slaves and left in search of a new home. Coming across the Osierauth islands, they made settlement on both. Over time as the lands began to change, they were forced underground; having refused the dragons assistance.

Through-out the years of living within the tunnels, their lives and cultures had changed. Many became gaunt and lost the dark colors; growing angry at the surface folk. Occasionally they ventured out, usually under the cover of the night sky; only to find they were forgotten. They prided themselves on never needing the dragons, until the day Heshta showed up.

Description-The Dökkâlfur are the only elves not to have mated with dragons, or any other, and so their appearance remains physically the same; save for color due to living under the surface for so long. They once had dark grey skin which over time lost its tone and became pale; now it appears light to almost white grey in tone. They stand 4’4” to 5’ in height and have lean, gaunt bodies. Their hair is usually long, straight and black or white, though some have found ways of dying it, in hopes of returning to what once was their ways. They live lavish lifestyles and so are usually seen with brilliant colored clothing or their hair up in an off the shoulder style; when cut, it rapidly grows back.

Lifespan- There are very few pure elves that live on Náttúran , the Dökkâlfur are among them. Because of their purity, and their environment preserving their bodies, they can live a very long life. They also age much slower than many other races, not becoming adult until age 100, middle age hit them around age 400 and on average they are in their prime between 600 and 800. Unlike their elven brethren, they can on a rare occasion live until 1000 years old.

Abilities-The Dökkâlfur are charismatic, seductive and highly intelligent. They like to toy with their prey; convincing them that whatever is it they are going to do; it was their own decision. Through thoughtful planning and cunning actions, they can sway one’s choices without hesitation or discouragement. However, not a word need be said, and one is already hooked by their enchanting presence.

With Heshta being their guardian, she offers them the power of shadow, gaining a cloaking ability.

Personality-The Dökkâlfur people are bold and ambitious, diving headfirst into the most serious situations. They are passionate, motivated, and confident leaders who build community with relentless determination. They have complex minds with simple plans, very often getting frustrated at those who feel long explanations are necessary. They like things quick and dirty, a temperament also reflected in their sexual proclivities.

It is said that all people learn from their ancestors, many races coming from the humans, elves and dragons, through their DNA. In this case, the Dökkâlfur inherit their wisdom from their own; they are the only race that did not accept help from the dragons during long past Naralagon eras. They lead with blind optimism; they walk the path of life with a live in the moment attitude that perfectly complements their distinctive impulsiveness. They are a leap first ask later people who often learn their lesson from life’s experiences. The Dökkâlfur have learned over the years that it’s an “every man for himself” kind of world and are ready to take back their lands. While this self-determination can be inspiring, they struggle with their selfish tendencies.

The Dökkâlfur are tired of living in dark tunnels and are always ready for battle; wielding an explosive temper, though their outbursts don’t last long, it’s best to avoid them until their fiery hot heads are cooled. When these tempered creatures are not flying off the handles, they’re an upbeat, positive, and playful folk who enjoy living life to its fullest. They do enjoy a lavish party every now and again.

Society-Their unfortunate presence in the dark has severely affected their once cheery demeanor. The lack of sun within the caverns leaves an ominous haze over the city they now call home. Many have decorated their homes with bright colors of warm hues. Murals of lush green landscapes and breathtaking sunsets cover the walls.

Angry they may be, their adaptation to live remains the same. They pride themselves on the society they have built without the help of the dragons and will do anything to protect it. They chose a life-long mate which increases the connection they feel for one another. This connection has increased their sexual desires more so than their elven brethren; though the physical nature tapers off as their primal age approaches, they still feel this strong desire throughout their time together.

Not all feel a need to return to a long-lost way of life. To some, an expansion to the southern half will build a stronger bond between the families. Angry they may be; a desire to rejoin those that sent them below could yield a disagreeable endeavor. For the captives held in slavery will most certainly not be forgiven. Times may have changed, but a way of life for them has not. They are hated around the world by most. A daily presence of council members reminds the people of the great region that one day they will take back their lands above.

  Royalty Structure:
  • Vládca: (King/Queen)The founder and chieftain of this clan.
  • Hertogi/Hertogaynja: (Duke/Duchess) Full Independent Lordship/Head of Council.
  • Markgreifi/Markgrefynja: (Marquess/Marchioness) Royal Advisor, Keeps an eye on the Military side and discusses clan matters with the royalties based on how the clan is progressing.
  • Visigreifi/Visigreifynja: (Viscount/Viscountess)The founder of the settlement.
  • Barón/Barónessa: Members of council, in charge of maintaining the settlement, for updates/report clan battles/clan history.
Military Structure:
  • Herforingi: Only Chosen by Vládca or Marguess, Leading General.
  • Foringi: Only Chosen by the Vládca or Marquess, Leading Commander.
  • Riddari: (Knight) Veteran Warrior, has proven his/her loyalty and skills and is considered a trusted member, can be chosen to lead raids/wars by any of the above.
  • Valkyrie: Veteran, given to those who have shown an outstanding attitude, skill, dedication and is considered a trusted member. The Valkyrie are made up of female warrior who chose who lives and dies in battle.
  • Marauder: Strong Raiders, given to those who are actively taking part in raids.
  • Viking: Fierce Fighter who has proved himself through raids.
  • Berserker: Experienced Warrior yet needs further training.
  • Thrall: Initiate, those who have not yet proved themselves to the clan. New to everything and has a lot to learn.

History-Thousands of years ago, long before our time of recorded history, when the Dragons ruled the surface and their lives were faced with extinction; they forced the humanoids to care for their eggs which were suddenly being stolen or damaged. There was a group of elves that refused to become slaves to the dragons and left their homes in search of another. They came across some islands. The first was very lush and green and many of them stayed there; others moved on only to find another much larger one. This island was more mountainous; this is where they made Osierauth their new home.

For thousands of years they lived on Osierauth enjoying all the pleasures of life; many becoming seduced by the magic of the fey creatures. During this time, the Čiar began luring the elves once again into the secluded wilds of Osierauth. As time went by, because of the change in elements like the dry desert air and the mixture of DNA altered their appearance, they became larger grotesque looking. Eventually their king insisted they start tunneling under the mountain and build a new home underground; denying entrance to those that failed to resist the charms of others. This is where they remained for all this time; rarely returning to the surface, as they have become sensitive to the light.

Once settled into Mordollwen a group of them ventured out and found similar lands across the sea and claimed those lands as South Mordollwen ; eventually connecting the two and ruling them together as one family. During this time, however, the rulers of Mordollwen found it disgraceful to be living in tunnels and blame others for their livelihood. During the moon cycle where it was least noticeable, they would raid villages across the lands and take prisoners; brainwashing them into believing that it was their only chance of survival. Those strong enough to fight were trained as warriors; others were chosen for sexual pleasure.

Around 2500 BN, a pair of dragons made Mordollwen surfaces their home. When Cynius learned of the hatred the Dökkâlfur had for the rest of the world, approached them attempting to join and followed them underground. Spending most of his time in elven form, he seduced the woman and convinced their offspring to follow him; building the army he needed to take back what was his. When the Vládca learned of his betrayal, he wanted to kill him; @Heshta pleaded for his life begging forgiveness, agreeing to his exile and she will be their guardian. She offered the power of illusion. Cynius was sent to Beárnyékol ; the Shadow Realm.

Then around 800 BN, the Vládca, who resided in North Mordollwen, decided their families had been separated for long enough. He was successful in convincing the Dvergur and the Škriatok to help build a tunnel under the water, linking both nations. Unfortunately, as leadership changed and Naralagon approached, this became more of a struggle than anticipated. As negotiations continued to secure the agreement, and Naralagon quickly approaching; the agreement was settled. The Dökkâlfur allowed sanctuary while they continued the work. Unfortunately, work was put on hold while the lands shifted and burned. After the ground settled and waters cooled, in the year of 700 AN, work on the tunnel commenced; only to find it destroyed. The Vládca, Morohtar Talvathar was angered by their mistake and ordered his army to kill them all.

The loss of his wife during this attack and fueled by his anger once more, he spent most of his time within the walls of his estate. One day a beautiful woman came to his side. She did not speak, only took his hand and lead him to a dark cavern; one he never knew existed. It is there that he fell in love with her enchanting embrace. It is a rare occasion that a female dragon can produce a child between the union of her and her conquest. She must remain in humanoid form until the birth of the child. This child became the heir and took over the leadership, at the guidance of Heshta, in 1078 AN.

Because the Vládca, Idhrenothar Talvathar , never married and the kingdom was in need of another heir, in 1298 AN, Heshta once again filled those shoes; providing the Vládca with an heir just before her passing into the afterlife. Two children were born of this union; a male and a female. he male was a handsome young man, the female was different. She had thicker skin, strong pronounced features that resembled her mother more than him.

In 1342 AN, Idhrenothar Talvathar was so lonely he builds a temple in the empty space he first met Heshta . On days when he feels most alone, he sits quietly waiting for her return. Finally, in 1486 AN, he is sitting their; his son Nostarion Talvathar at his side, praying for guidance; a sweet smell fills the air. Heshta appears telling him to continue his ancestors work on the tunnel; his distant cousin is in despair and needs proper guidance; Cynius is attempting to return; and trying to influence him into helping. Drasrien Talvathar is very strong; but his young children are enamored by Cynius’ promise of immortality.

Almost two hundred years later, Nostarion Talvathar has finally taken a wife and is well on his way to a large healthy family. Life was peaceful for them; aside from the ongoing negotiations with the Dvergur and the Škriatok to get the tunnel built. During 2300’s AN when Adrieris Talvathar took over leadership, Heshta was rarely seen. The Dökkâlfur were finally accepting their living conditions; at least those residing on North Mordollwen.

In 2487 an illness brought in through the port swept the streets of Eyðimörk killing 30% of the people. For 20 years, the illness spread across Yara. By the time it hit Lairelithoniel it had wiped out 23% of the worlds population. Some believed it to be a curse while others blamed it on their enemies. Those who remain were stronger for it. Either way, they all had to once again rebuild.

By 2823 AN, after many long periods of waiting, progress was finally under way and the tunnel was almost finished. Suddenly workers began disappearing. Some blamed the long hours of constant work; others said it was the people of the Beárnyékol come to prevent the work from being finished. Once again, work was brought to a halt. It’s obviously just that the Škriatok are refusing to finish the job; demanding more compensation.

At present day, the tunnel is finished and the Škriatok and Dvergur are free; well most of them.
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