Árnyékai Ethnicity in Náttúran | World Anvil
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The Árnyékai are those who have been cast out or died and forgotten. Their souls can be found roaming Beárnyékol, many lost and scared, found refuge under the reign of Achiel; a time before Cynius appeared. Many of them bargained their soul for a chance to complete unfinished business, right wrongs or complete their destiny.

During their time in Beárnyékol, Achiel was kind to them. Overlooking their weaknesses, she taught them how to be stronger, guiding them along their path. Cynius, after destroying Achiel, was not as kind, though offered them immortality for their continued faith; granting them necromancy knowledge.

Description- There is no commonality between one Árnyékai and the next. Some are still living creatures brought here for several reasons; usually to repay a debt. What is common between them is that they all are or once were humanoid, standing between 5’5” and 7’. Their appearance has also evolved due to the dark environment; their skin color is either a pale blue to pale purple in color and they emit a purple or black fog around them. They are also cold to the touch. Their eyes are red, green or yellow and hair is most often black or white.

Lifespan- Those who are still living, have a life span matching their Náttúran counterpart doubled. The Árnyékai lost souls live on until they are destroyed due to battle or released by the dragon guardian.

Abilities- The Árnyékai are a passionate, lustful people with strong connections to their past life. Though their abilities are dependent upon their bloodline; their guardian ability is necromancy. An Árnyékai with the Human bloodline, which include the Dvergur and Perian, have no particular ability; though are the most adaptable and are able to improvise and change a plan, based on their current situation and surroundings. Árnyékai with the elven bloodline, which include the Čiar, Bojovnik and Škriatok, have fey ancestry and are able to see in the dark, are immune to charm and have keen senses. Árnyékai from the Drekar bloodline, which include the Thalassic and Angoyar, have thick skin, can breathe under water and limited breath weapon.

Beárnyékol is a realm that matches the living world, though it is constantly shadowed by the eclipse of its only sun. The Árnyékai people, having lived in this dim light for so long have adapted, gaining the ability to see in the dark and hide in the slightest of shadows; gaining darkvision and dark concealment. Their shadow form gives them an added bonus to their stealth.

Personality- The majority of the Árnyékai are descendant to the Dökkâlfur and so many of their traits have been passed down, though over time the blending of the lost ones from the material world has altered their personalities somewhat. They are a people forgotten over time by their loved ones and have become an angry, bold force to be reckoned with. Having once believed in their guardian, and betrayed by him, their lust for revenge has taken them to a place no longer returnable. Those few who have been able to come back, found pathways leading back to the material world and have been able to live normal lives. Others hold a pact, null impregnable. Once the contract is fulfilled, they will return and become a servant of Cynius.

The Árnyékai are bold and relentless people who build their lives on the knowledge of others. Their experiences have taught them that leaping headfirst into confrontation, might cost them their lives, unfortunately their stubborn, bull like attitude never stops them. They enjoy tormenting others with their playful tricks; especially when friends are around to watch. They show off their courageous aptitude for pleasure in pain. Only to have a back turned on them for their heartless efforts at companionship. Many find themselves alone in the end, longing for the comforts they can longer enjoy.

For those who have escaped the tormented life they once lived, a new-found curiosity turns them into wanderers of the open plains. Rarely do they settle down into the family life, but when they do, their passionate dedication to their loved ones is so overwhelming, they sometimes get lost in their own selfishness. Not to fear, though, it is all out of pure love.

Society- The Árnyékai as a whole, rarely are seen together, having chosen a path in the direction away from other tribes. Though they may seem to live a normal life, they are quite the opposite. They are used to living secluded lives and have little desire to surround themselves with another’s world of self-pity. Though each one shares a commonality to their guardian, they have broken into separate tribes.

Őslakó (Natives)-Those known within the Őslakó are Árnyékai who were born in Beárnyékol and are native to this realm. They are the only culture known to be considered living and are able to choose a mate and have children. Though many of them know no other way and chose to remain, finding comfort in their home of Árnyék, others begin searching for portals at a very young age. Either way, they live a rather uneventful life.

Vándor (Nomads)-Though these folks can still be living creatures, many believe them to be the spirits of lost souls who found their way to Beárnyékol either through a portal, and by death. They are also the spirits of Élőhalott who have completed their destiny and returned to repay their debt.

Élőhalott (Living dead)-The Élőhalott are those who have sold their soul for a second chance. They wonder the mortal lands in search of their path so that they may complete their unfinished business.

Istenfélő (Faithful)-The Istenfélő may have lived a life among the others, though they put their faith in their Guardian, Cynius, who leads them with a promise of immortality, as long as they bid his calling. Though Cynius is the primal guardian, there are a few other Megváltó (messiah) who have formed their own cult through the realm of Beárnyékol.

  Royalty Structure:
  • Vládca: (King/Queen)The founder and chieftain of this clan.
  • Hertogi/Hertogaynja: (Duke/Duchess) Full Independent Lordship/Head of Council.
  • Markgreifi/Markgrefynja: (Marquess/Marchioness) Royal Advisor, Keeps an eye on the Military side and discusses clan matters with the royalties based on how the clan is progressing.
  • Visigreifi/Visigreifynja: (Viscount/Viscountess)The founder of this settlement.
  • Barón/Barónessa: Members of council, in charge of the settlement, for updates/report clan battles/clan history.
Military Structure:
  • Herforingi: Only Chosen by the Vládca or Marquess, Leading General.
  • Foringi: Only Chosen by the Vládca or Marquess, Leading Commander.
  • Riddari: (Knight) Veteran Warrior, has proven his/her loyalty and skills and is considered a trusted member, can be chosen to lead raids/wars by any of the above.
  • Valkyrie: Veteran, given to those who have shown an outstanding attitude, skill, dedication and is considered a trusted member. The Valkyrie are made up of female warrior who chose who lives and dies in battle.
  • Marauder: Strong Raiders, given to those who are actively taking part in raids.
  • Viking: Fierce Fighter who has proved himself through raids.
  • Berserker: Experienced Warrior yet needs further training.
  • Thrall: Initiate, those who have not yet proved themselves to the clan. New to everything and has a lot to learn.

History- As far back as the history tomes can say, it is only said that Achiel and her bloodline were the ruling guardians of Beárnyékol. When Cynius was exiled there in 1265 BN many of the Dökkâlfur followed and settled among the Őslakó people. Quickly becoming lonely and angered, he began seducing what creatures he could; remaining in his human form most of the time.

Finding little comfort in this, he turned to Achiel and after mating her, remained by her side for only a short while;

by 474 BN he grew bored with her kindness. He then continued roaming the realm for quite a long time until he decided it was time to return to his home. Achiel hid their offspring far from his notice.

When he learned what Achiel had done, Cynius sent followers back to Mordollwen to convince them to join him in Beárnyékol; promising immortality in return. He continued this for the next 500 or so years, increasing the size of his army ten-fold.

In 1078 AN, his life mate, rarely done though not impossible, gave birth to an elven child. This threw Cynius over the edge. He then led his army into battle, killing Achiel and every dragon or egg within his immediate grasp. Many of his followers who died has been resurrected and continued following him, and he vow to return to Náttúran and destroy everything he could; turning the mortal world and all its’ creatures into a world of Élőhalott .

In 1102 AN, small portals opened in random places around Lairelithoniel, breaching the safety and security of the people. At first there were harmless people going through, some of them simply searching for sanctuary from the war in Beárnyékol, Cynius had murdered their guardian and the Árnyékai were gathering forces. Many of them simply didn’t want to fight a guardian; others refused to be taken as slaves. King Anorrhuin wanted nothing to do with them and they were shipped to Yara. During this time, other creatures learned of this and began going through attacking the land people. When Cynius learned of this he offered them great power if they join him. By the time they were able to get an army together the gates were sealed. Cynius missed his opportunity to cross back over to him homeland.

His hatred for others grew deep, by 1486 AN when he learned of a second child by Heshta, his followers had gradually drifted away, growing resentful of his lust for power and their anger for his killing Achiel . Many of them drifted throughout Beárnyékol searching for their purpose only to become more lost than they were before. Some of them started their own cult.

At present, there are thirteen known Dýrkun. Though most of them are considered to be evil or moderately evil, there are a few that exist only to search for Achiel’s offspring, placing them on the throne.

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