Vajith Species in N'Zembe | World Anvil
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A hearty plant endemic to the Ahiogris Mountains on Arshilkrin. It is able to survive in a rocky, desert environment.

Basic Information


The plant has long, thin, creeping roots to get as many nutrients and as much water as possible. The plant primarily consists of a bulbous water-storage structure, and has small leaves sprouting from the body of the plant to absorb sunlight. Aside from the roots the plant is very compact to save as much energy and water for times of need. Flowers produced are small, only 3 petals, and white. Each flower has either one stamen or one pistil. The female flowers can produce one seed.

Genetics and Reproduction

The plant primarily reproduces asexually by way of its roots, called "runners." It is also capable of flowering to reproduce sexually. Wind is the primary pollinator, and plants will exchange pollen. Each plant has either male or female reproductive parts, and any flower which is fertilized will produce a tufted seed which is carried away by the wind.

Growth Rate & Stages

The only growth happens during the wet season. The beginning of the wet season is when any sexual reproduction will occur. When the wet season ends, the water storage part of the plant is large. Over the dry season, the water storage will shrink to maintain the plant. It subsists until the wet season begins again the next year.

Ecology and Habitats

The plant only grows in very harsh environments. It needs to be rocky and cannot have a lot of rain. It's optimized for places like the Ahiogris Mountains, and is not found anywhere else.

Dietary Needs and Habits

It uses photosynthesis.

Biological Cycle

Flowers live for about 3 weeks, and if they are not fertilized in that time, they wither. The plant is perennial and typically dies from extra harsh dry seasons, or wet seasons with less rain than usual.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Found in the Ahiogris Mountains on Arshilkrin, throughout the mountain range. It could be found in similar environments on other planets but it is currently undiscovered elsewhere.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The plant senses light and water. The roots grow towards available water, and the leaves follow N'Zembe through the sky during the day.
5 years (estimate)
Average Height
6-8 inches
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The body of the plant is dark green. The roots are usually white. Runners are a medium green. Flowers produced are always white.
Geographic Distribution

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