Chuvrik Tradition / Ritual in N'Zembe | World Anvil
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This coming of age ceremony is both a celebration and a communal "you need to get married and have kids now!" party. There is very much a stigma against asexuality, and anyone having romantic interest in the zirch members of the community. Only the krethnil people get this celebration.


The individual's favorite meal is prepared by their parents to be shared with the community. Often some of the elders will help prepare food as well. Everyone brings small gifts for the person.   Other young adults and people about to reach adulthood who are unmarried are dressed in their fancy jewelry, makeup, and clothing. They are presented to the person who's ceremony it is as a potential marriage partner. They are expected to chat, possibly dance, and at the end of the night the person is expected to publicly ask one of the people to court them.   The parents and the elders who have been important to the person start the ceremony by sharing heartfelt memories about the person and watching them grow up. The gifts are presented. Then everyone eats. After the food, everyone hangs out and the person interacts with the potential suitors. People leave when they are ready, and usually a few people stay behind to help the family take the gifts and dishes home.

Components and tools

A decorative chair for the individual, a table for the gifts, food, and some music.


The parents of the individual who reached maturity, one or more elders who have been important in their life so far, and the other members of the community who have just or are about to reach maturity as well.   During the socializing, a few musicians from the community play to provide entertainment and a backdrop for dancing. They sing many of the common songs, in particular any favorites of the individual being celebrated.


This takes place each time a person in the community turns 15. The Zembalic keeps track of the calendar and helps families know when a birthday is coming up. Sometimes people have the same birthday, so they have a celebration together.
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