Cafer Wood Material in N'Zembe | World Anvil
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Cafer Wood

Cafer trees are common in the N'Zembe system and found on many of the inhabited planets. It became a very common building material on those planets. It's a sturdy, solid, light colored wood. It burns slowly, which is excellent for cooking or to keep homes warm. Even the bark is used, often for children to practice writing, or people draw or paint on it.   It is very important for areas with few other natural resources. It is in high demand, and accordingly makes a good export.


Material Characteristics

A dense and sturdy light-colored wood. The logs have a thick yellow-brown bark.

Physical & Chemical Properties

It is a dense, solid wood. It is flammable. It is easily weakened by water, which can cause it to rot or buckle.



Geology & Geography

It is common in deciduous forests.

Origin & Source

It comes from the cafer tree, a deciduous tree that is very common.

Life & Expiration

Exposure to water causes rapid deterioration. If it is sealed, it can last a very long time with minimal deterioration.

History & Usage

Everyday use

Cafer wood is often used as a building material. When it's not being used to build, it is burned for heat, light, or cooking, and it does well because it is slow-burning. The bark is sometimes used as a writing, drawing, or painting surface.

Industrial Use

To build sturdy houses, furniture, fences, doors, floors, etc.


Twigs and fallen branches can sometimes be used without any change. Normally, however, the cafer tree is cut down. Depending on what it is being used for, it may be chopping into smaller pieces for use as firewood. If it is going to be for building, the bark is often stripped, and it is made into planks.

Manufacturing & Products

Bark, logs, wood planks, wood pulp, sawdust, wood chips.

Byproducts & Sideproducts

sawdust, wood chips, bark, wood pulp

Reusability & Recycling

woodchips are good for trapping water in the ground for plants   pieces that cannot be used for building are used for firewood


Trade & Market

The seller is usually the person who owns the land the tree was on, the person who cut down the tree, or the person (or people or company) who processed the wood into building material.
very light brown
very dense
Common State
Related Locations

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