The Free Nation of the Outer System (TFNOS) Organization in My_World | World Anvil
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The Free Nation of the Outer System (TFNOS)


The military of the TFNOS is bigger than most of the smaller nations that surround it.


Islamic Christianity started in the heart of Crab one of the most populated planets of the TFNOS. The planet of crab holds the leader of Islamic Christianity. The religion has a strong grip over the area.

Agriculture & Industry

The industry of the TFNOS is composed of manufacturing over mining or aggriculture. There are small local farms but most people get their food from foreign imports.


The education of the average system last until 16 when they then join the work force. In school, they learn to be obidient and compliments as well as basic skills such as arithmetic and reading as well as writing.


The infrastructure is mostly small with few large structures other than the factories and the small town squares where people live.

All will be peaceful under our rule

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
The outer nation
The outer nation
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Market economy
TFONS Dollar
Major Exports
Finished products and refined goods like refined efficientiam.
Major Imports
Food, metals and raw resources.
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Controlled Territories

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