Zamoja the Prime-Reptile Character in Mythra | World Anvil
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Zamoja the Prime-Reptile

Well over 400 years old, but still strong within, this Lizardian has outlived 3 attempts at taking his throne, both by raw physical strength but through guilde and tactics, Zamoja looks like a normal lizardian except he is 15 feet tall and 10 feet wide, with powerful arms and piercing eyes, he wields a spear made from a carved tree, the tip of this spear a sharpened bone, one might only shudder at the thought of what was killed to aquire this bone.   His helmet is a skull, from an early conquest, a three horned monstrosity, two horns protruding at the temples and one on the nose, with something that resembles a fan behind all this, in the world of Earth, this would resemble a Triceratops skull, as with most Lizardians he is barely covered in clothing or armor, besides his helmet and shoulderguards made too of bone, the only thing he wears is a simple loin cloth and a belt made from a spine.   His scales are blue, but his soft underbelly has a greenish hue, scars litter his body, not just from the fights for Prime-Reptile but all the other battles Zamoja has seen throughout his long lifespan, when he took down the Tricaran or when outsiders tried to claim his lands for their own.


Social Aptitude

Quick to Anger, but rewards those who aquire his favor


Booming voice, simple speech pattern.
Circumstances of Birth
Born from Thar'yah, Prophesied to take the place of the former Prime-Reptile
Ruled Locations

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