Frankensense of Myrrh Material in Mythopoeia | World Anvil

Frankensense of Myrrh

A combination of fragrant resins with medical and hygienic applications.  

As a Germ Killer

In powdered form, mixed with aloe vera, can be used as a topical antiseptic.  

For Oral Health

Either or both resins can treat abscesses, toothaches, gingivitis, and halitosis. Extracts of the two resins may be included in natural toothpastes and mouthwashes, although the essential oils of these plants are too strong to use topically on the gums, so they should be diluted before use.  

Aid to Digestion

Chewing a combination of frankincense, myrrh, cinnamon and cardamom increase bile flow and can treat stomachaches.  


The combination of frankincense and myrrh may be used to treat emotional disturbances, depression and anxiety. Practitioners of massage therapy may integrate frankincense oil into massages to treat tension or emotional trauma.  


Frankincense and myrrh resins, orally or topically, are used to treat arthritis and other forms of inflammatory pain.


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