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BH Glossary

Terms to Know

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- A -

An open square or space for public gatherings and business.
A two-handled clay jar used for holding wine, oil, or for general storage.
The small antechamber of a megaron leading to the larger naos where the monarch would sit in a palace or where a god's statue would be kept within a temple. Typically used as a waiting room where a supplicant can wash their feet in a footbath and pray to the gods that the monarch will receive them favorably. Entrance to the antenaos would be typically be through a portico.
A musician who played the aulos. (Latin: tibicen)
A double-pipe reed instrument associated first with Athena, who gave it up after realizing how silly she looked with puffed out cheeks, and then with Marsyas the Satyr, who used it in a contest against Apollo. A single-pipe version existed, but fell out of favor as two pipes allowed players to reach extra notes. (Latin: tibia)

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- B -

A land-holding prince or king subordinate to a wanax. The term basileus would come to be used for all kings in later eras of Greece. The wife of a basileus is called a basilissa.
A council of citizens who advise the king. In Mythoversal Thebes, the Spartoi Boule also sets rules and administers relationships among the five Spartoi tribes

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- C -

A row of columns, usually topped by lintels.

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- D -

(plural: daimones) A non-specific or unknown supernatural entity.

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- E -

General term for a divine revelation that may include an omen, premonition, dream, or the manifestation of a deity.

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- G -

The upper portion of the household, reserved for women of the house.

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- H -

A sacrifice consisting of 100 animals, usually cattle or goats.
(plural: Horai) One of the eleven maidens (plus one maiden-turned-bear) who guide the sun-chariot of Helios through a portion of the sky. Also called “Hours.”
A three-handled clay jar used for holding water. Two horizontal handles on the sides are used for lifting, while a vertical handle on the back is used for pouring.

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- K -

A thin sheet of metal, a flat stone, or a baked clay tablet with writing meant to invoke supernatural aid in cursing an individual, asking for blessings, or conveying a message to the dead. Also called a "curse tablet."
A tunic commonly worn by men and women, paired with an outer garment if more warmth is needed.
A seven-stringed, more professional version of the four-stringed lyre, which was regarded as an unrefined folk instrument. A bass version popular in the eastern Aegean and ancient Anatolia was called the barbiton. (Latin: Cithara)
A musician who played the kithara. (Latin: Citharode)

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- L -

(plural: lekythoi) A flask used for holding perfumed oils.

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- M -

(plural: megara) The Mycenaean “long room” structure at the heart of a palace or temple. There are two megara in the palace at Mythoversal Thebes: the King's Megaron and a smaller Queen's Megaron. The megaron was often divided into the portico (porch), antenaos (small antechamber), and naos (large inner chamber). Smaller chambers lead off to either side of the megaron for the offices, archives, armories, corridors, shrines, potteries, olive presses, storage rooms, and workshops that supported the ruler.
A moral taint that hangs over a person, family, bloodline, or city following the unpunished commission of a crime. (See article)
(plural: Morai) One of the three daimones who spin, measure, and cut the threads of mortal lives. Also called “Fates.”

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- N -

The carpeted central room of an Ancient Greek temple or palace making up the greater part of a megaron. The naos of a temple contains a ritual statue of a god or cultic figure and is sometimes referred to as a sanctuary within the story. The naos of a palace holds the monarch's throne and is sometimes called a throne room or audience chamber in the story. The naos contains a public hearth that's vented by an oculus (circular opening) in a roof that's typically supported by four stone or wooden columns. (Latin: cella)

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- P -

An apparition of a deity or ghost of a mortal that may appear either in a dream or in real life in a realistic human form. The phasma of a mortal can be made by a god either after the person’s death or while they are still alive, usually in a far-distant location.
A large clay storage container for bulk storage of liquids or grains, equivalent to a barrel, drum, or cask in later eras. A Pithos was large enough for a man to fit inside, and often could be used as a coffin. Useful in shipping, the handles of a pithos were designed to be lifted by a crane when the container was full.
Title for the designated leader of an army on behalf of a king. Also referred to in-story as a general. A naval counterpart, commanding the king’s ships, is called a navarch.
The outside boundary of a palace or temple megaron consisting of an overhanging roof held up by a pair of columns. In the story, sometimes also called a porch.

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- S -

(plural: stelai) An upright stone slab or column typically bearing a commemorative inscription or design, sometimes serving as a gravestone.

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- T -

A divine revelation in which a deity manifests in a physical form to a mortal who is receptive to visions.

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- V -

votive offerings
Gifts given to the gods by mortals as tokens of appreciation. These may include flowers, foods, or valuables. The items become the property of the deity’s cult.

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- W -

The Mycenaean-era term for a high king or overlord, roughly translating to “tribal chief, lord, and military leader.” In some dialects, anax was used. A prince or subordinate king was called a basileus, a term that replaced wanax for all kings in later versions of Greek. The wanax’s wife was called a wanassa. In the story, the wanax is referred to as an Overlord while the basileus is referred to as a king.

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- X -

(plural xoana) A wooden cult figure of a deity, sometimes barely a plank, sometimes vividly painted and sometimes gilded or set with precious stones. The xoanon could reside within the deity’s temple for most of the time and be paraded through a village or city during religious festivals. A clothed or gilded wooden figure with marble head, hands, and feet was called an acrolith.

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