Prairiestalkers Species in Mythador | World Anvil
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I have seen nothing in this world more beautiful and terrifying than a prairiestalker on the prowl. Their sleek, muscular bodies slinking silently through the grass, seemingly stalking their prey in both slow-motion and terrific speed all at once. You would never know they were there if you didn't know where to look. And once you have seen them, if you do at all, it is too late. Their long, supple bodies fly through the air with incredible grace and beauty as they pounce, and their prey is dead within the blink of an eye as long, sharp fangs sink into their body. I almost fancied I saw a gleam in my companion's eyes as he turned to me with a smile. "You see now, why a prairiestalker is the best hunting companion the Great Lion has to offer man?" I did see. I shudder to think of such 'tame' beasts. I pray to all that is divine I never meet one in the wild.
  • Hassock Noblefell: Explorer
  • Basic Information


    Prairiestalkers are similar in appearance to mountain lions, but are much larger and longer. Their sleek fur covers their entire body, and they prowl on four paws, seemingly always on the lookout for their next victim. They have two, long canines that curve down, poking out of their mouth. Their long tail lashes back and forth slowly as they walk, or quickly when they are angry. They have two, semi-pointed ears that flatten back against their skull when they hunt.

    Biological Traits

    Prairiestalkers can live anywhere from 30 - 60 years, depending on diet and lifestyle. Domesticated cats live much longer on average than those in the wild. The males stand anywhere from 5' to 5'6'' tall at the shoulder when full-grown, and females stand from 4'6'' to 5'. They

    Genetics and Reproduction

    Prairiestalkers reproduce in a similar manner to other large cats, with a gestation period of about four months.

    Growth Rate & Stages

    Prairiestalkers grow from cubs to adolescents within a year, reaching maturity by year 2. The most obvious change is the filling out and growing into of their proportions, and their teeth, which grow longer over time. Ancient prairistalkers sometimes have trouble eating because their teeth get so long.

    Ecology and Habitats

    Grasslands and lightly forested areas provide cover and camouflage for prairiestalkers without making it too hard to spot their prey.

    Dietary Needs and Habits

    Prairiestalkers eat anything that moves and that they can kill. They most often eat medium sized creatures, but will take down large ones if they can.   They stalk their prey through the grass, keeping low and silent so that its prey will rarely, if ever, sense it coming before leaping on top of its prey, knocking it to the ground, and sinking its fangs into its victim's throat.

    Additional Information


    Prairiestalkers can only be domesticated if handled from a very early age. Breeders take great care to continuously handle their wares and teach them to respect authority. They are not treated as lap dogs, however, and a person who can handle a prairiestalker with some more wild tendencies is highly respected.

    Uses, Products & Exploitation

    Hunting companions and bodyguards.

    Geographic Origin and Distribution

    Roaming the plains of Eladrid

    Average Intelligence

    Similar intelligence to a dog or a wolf

    Perception and Sensory Capabilities

    Prairiestalkers have fantastic hearing and smell. It is said that they could hear a fly buzzing from a mile away, if they weren't distracted by the smell of fresh blood two miles off. Their sight is not particularly special, but they are certainly not blind.
    45 years
    Average Height
    5'2'' at the shoulder
    Average Weight
    200 lb.
    Average Length
    7' long, 11' including the tail
    Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
    Their fur tends to be tan or light brown, with striped markings on the legs, tails, and often foreheads. Some have stripes all over, some have none at all. Some will rarely be pure white or black, and these are revered as specially touched by the Great Spirits.

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