Shayra Organization in Myrias | World Anvil
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Shayra is a country south of the Azure East, located between the Azure Dragon Empire and the Rivens.  

Shayran Concord

Is an agreement by a number of kingdoms of Shayra with the goal of cooperation between these kingdoms, while still maintaining a measure of autonomy over their own lands. The agreement in itself seeks to
  • Break down trade barriers between kingdoms in Shayra
  • Protect from private trade agreements that could diminish competition
  • Establish common agricultural and trade agreements and standards.
  The concord also gave the concordant union powers that included authorization to sign international treaties, increase border patrol, and other security and enforcement provisions  

The Concordant Union

The Concordant Union is the political and economic union of these kingdoms within Shayra. An internal single market has been established through a standardized system of laws that apply in all member kingdoms in those matters, and only those matters, where the kingdoms have agreed to act as one. Policies of this kind aim to ensure the free movement of people, goods, services and capital within the internal market, enact legislation in justice and home affairs; and maintain common policies on trade, agriculture, fisheries, and regional development. The union also uses a unified currency.   Member Kingdoms
  • Pyrhuna
  • Etra
  • Tethlan
  • Soratia
  • Caniza
  • Korfu
  • Halesi
  • Cotura*

The Cotura Boundary

The Cotura Boundary is a tucked fey valley to the northeast of Shayra of a subtropical to temperate climate with broadleaf forest and woodlands, with mixed mountain and highland systems.   The boundary was overrun and inhabited by a large group of fey creatures that had crossed over to the material plane from the Feywild. The group at the time comprised of a fifth of feyfolk from the Feywild seeking refuge after the death of Serramesh, the archfey king of the Twilight Court. Due to the presence and influence of these feyfolk, the region of Cotura was heavily impacted by their chaotic magics, thus creating new forms of flora and fauna that can only really be found within the boundary itself, and nowhere else. Additionally, the boundary exhibits incidents and phenomena that mirror the Feywild, such as foreign foodstuffs decaying at an alarming rate or even one's body changing as a reaction to their exposure to the boundary.   Fearing the expansion and spread of the feyfolk into their lands, the Concordant Union struck a deal with the feyfolk, agreeing to set aside a portion of the Cotura Boundary as the exclusive home of the Feyfolk, and granting them autonomy over it. In exchange for this, the feyfolk of the boundary have agreed to lend aid to the Concordant Union "in only the most dire and outstanding of circumstances". This part of the agreement has not been invoked nor honored in recent memory.   Major settlements of the Cotura boundary are indicated by the presence of extremely tall oak trees, the highest of which stretches up roughly 6000 feet high, and the shortest being roughly 1500 feet high. These trees are home to powerful and ancient dryads that have each chosen to shelter the feyfolk of the twilight court. The feyfolk have responded to this in kind, considering these dryads as their caretakers, affectionately referring to them as "Mother Dryad."   The area can be divided into regions overseen by their respective mother dryads, the names provided by the fey. By this reasoning, there exists 21 regions with one mother dryad assigned to each.
  • Tarnum'daar
  • Cassel'eri
  • Ydren'tor

Relationship with Neighbors

An ongoing conflict exists between the Azure Dragon Empire and Shayra based on their strained borders, both of which claim to hold dominion over the Carnotum region (to the Azure Dragon Empire's south, and Shayra's north).  

Notable Locations

  • Rasela of Korfu: A town on the south of the Rasela Pass, which is a trade hub for weaponry and armaments.
  • Marath of Caniza: A town to the north of the Rasela Pass, which drafts soldiers to the Carnotum region
  • Hamphna of Caniza: A village that sits adjacent to the Hamphna mines. Also where the Drowning Camel tavern is located, which serves really good siomai rice.
Geopolitical, Country


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