Alwtudeen Settlement in MYRANELYNIA | World Anvil
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(When people say "the middle of nowhere" or "the frontier" what settlement name do they use?) Many Myranelynians forget that there is a Fountanian town on the east side of the island. Many Fountainians forget that the town exists as well. A nearly self-reliant town, Alwtudeen's tight knitted community helps one another to make the town run smoothly, for both their own sake and the sake of the other towns and cities of Fountania.

Industry & Trade

Alwtudeen's main business is it's farming (if you would call it that underwater). they grow the kingdom's kelp, seaweed, seagrass, sargassum, and algae for food, beauty products, medicinal purposes, and animal food. They also raise fish for both Fountania and Earthein as well as the squids for the ink used to make full-blooded Fountanians able to walk on water. They also grow plants that are indigenous to their side of the island, making it a delicacy to their town and to anyone visiting.


There isn't much tourism when it comes to the small town of Alwtudeen. the most when it comes to visitors are those coming to pick up the exports to take to the other towns and cities. there are also those who come to talk about political matters concerning either Fountania or Myranelynia. Other than the business-related visits, there are those who come mostly to see if Alwtudeen really is as strange as everyone claims, mainly city folk. They do see that the town is different than what they are used to - they dressed differently, eat differently, decorate their tails differently - but they are still Fountanians nonetheless.


They decorate the doorway and windows of their building with shells. the color, size, and number show who they are in role and which family owns the business.


It is generally flat on this side of the ocean, making it appropriate to grow the food they need. there is also dips that allow them to farm the fish they need.
Alternative Name(s)
Approx. 230
Owning Organization

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