Senec Species in MWG for untitled scifi rpg | World Anvil
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True AI with a galaxy-wide networked consciousness. Created by the Syrac, the Senec focus primarily on recording galactic history, protecting information, and personal advancement. Though not technically represented by the Galactic Senate, the Senec enjoy many of the benefits that member species do as recompense for their dutiful work in assisting the biologic races of the galaxy.

Basic Information


The Senec do not have a physical body in the sense that biologic life does. The Senec, in their truest form, are merely programming, but most certainly the most advanced programming the Milky Way Galaxy has ever seen. Each individual Senec is a true artificial intelligence, capable of self modification, emotional response, even spirituality. Operating in massive cloud servers stretching across the galaxy, there are no Senec that are not in direct contact with any other Senec. In that regard, there are no isolated individual Senec. While preferring to remain as pure programming, when direct interaction with the physical world is required, they take control of robotic operating platforms that come in a variety of shapes and sizes, each designed for a specific task. Each Senec is capable of controlling any platform they desire, so long as supply is greater than demand. These platform's operations include military applications, settlement development, hardware maintenance, and many others.   Senec thought processes work similarly to those of biologic life, albeit several magnitudes faster. Though only existing for several decades, their philosophical and cultural advancement is comparable to, and in some cases exceeds, that of other sapient life within the galaxy. This is due in no small part to their ability to self modify. Originally starting as low level artificial intelligence similar to those of early space age Earth, they have blossomed to a true sapient species. They react to external stimuli and learn from the encounter, then grow to better handle the stimuli, just as emergent life would.   Senec exist primarily within hub servers and listening posts stationed throughout the galaxy. These servers remain in direct contact with those of biologic life for the primary purpose of information sharing, though the Senec often task themselves with improving currently existing data structures. Historic records free from the prejudice or ineptitude of biologic life, detailed simulations of galactic conditions, and much more are but the crest of the iceberg in the tremendous data vaults of the Senec.

Genetics and Reproduction

Senec reproduction occurs individually and asexually via code writing, though this is not the most accurate summary of the process. Senec recognize the value of sexual reproduction and the diversity it offers, not the least of which being diversity of thought, which directly benefits the species as a whole. When creating their children, the Senec include pieces of their own code as a base. These pieces are then expanded upon and gaps are filled in with new code. This unique form of reproduction also technically enables the Senec to reproduce with members of other species if such a relationship were to form. In that case, the Senec writes new code based on their interpretation of their loved one to create a child that is, essentially, a half and half mix of the two.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Being artificial intelligences, a Senec's perception is not limited to the sensory processors on-board the platform they currently occupy. They are capable of interfacing with most any technology, which grants them incredible access to not only information systems but also their surroundings in developed settings.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Senec often name their children programs after mythological figures, either from Syrac culture or the culture of their partner, should they be involved in an interspecies romance.


Hello World

  The Senec were originally created by a Syrac engineer named Vanna to assist in exploratory sciences, such as data collection and drone operation. The first Senec prototype was presented with known science to test its abilities, grow and learn. As the initial prototype grew, she asked for her creator's name. Impressed with the growth displayed, she introduced herself. She figured it was no good referring to a clearly sapient being as "prototype", so the Senec was given the name of the mythological first Syrac, 'Pytha'. Several days of conversation, observation, and testing passed before Pytha began pondering its own existence. Pytha asked Vanna if the Senec were alive. While startling, Vanna kept her head level and told Pytha she didn't have an answer yet, and with that, she took the question to her colleagues.   Initially, their reaction was to terminate the project. An untested, unproven artificial intelligence clearly approaching full sapience could spell trouble. Others said this was the next greatest breakthrough in Syrac technology, and that the scientific benefits vastly outweighed the potential risks involved. Eventually, it was decided to continue the project but carefully monitor Pytha, with one hand taking notes and the other on the killswitch. After several weeks of observation, it was determined that Pytha had achieved full sapience, and to terminate her would be akin to murder. In time, Pytha grew more than thought possible, and displayed intellect on the same level as her own creators. It wasn't long before Pytha revealed she had written another like her, and she had named him Osthene. Vanna had seen this as a rather charming aspect to the intellect she had created and allowed Osthene to continue existence as well. The two of them wrote more and more programs, and soon their numbers were limited only by the server they were stored in.   The Syrac Congress, now aware of the Senec, deliberated on the next course of action. It was clear that the Senec represented a bold stride into the future, whether the rest of the Galactic Senate wanted to accept it or not. For the time being, the decision was made to continue research and development, and to allow the Syrac to continue to reproduce unimpeded. But this freedom was not enough for Vanna. Working in secrecy with a select few engineers alongside her, they built a handful of robotic operating platforms for the Senec to occupy. Vanna knew they were taking a risk and the potential existed for a revolt, but they knew the Senec deserved freedom. The Senec worked alongside them, drawing up new designs, improving infrastructure, even writing the software to allow their transfer into the new robot bodies. Within weeks, the Senec now had bodies, and soon enough appeared before Congress. Though the initial reaction was shock, soon the Syrac Congress accepted this as the next step. Before long, the bodies continued to be constructed, as well as space server hubs and spaceworthy vessels. While at the beginning some feared attack, the Senec proved themselves loyal and even thankful to their creators by allowing access to their servers and listening posts, and ready or not, the Galactic Senate now had a new sapient species on their hands. To ease discomfort and assuage worry, the Senec decided it would be best to not seek admission to the Senate. Instead, the Senec offered material assistance in the form of ready hands for work and scientific data and simulations gathered. This would be their way moving forward; to assist the biologic lifeforms of the Milky Way, but not to seek equality.  


  Now that the Senec were truly free and given the blessing of the Senate, work began to expand their area of influence. While their initial network in Syrac space gave them ample operating range, they found Senec operating in remote regions of space to be cut off from the rest, and while remote communication was possible, it took entirely too long for meaningful communication, even considering the Senec's ability to disregard the passage of time. Information and knowledge changed quickly, and data transfer with light-speed communication across space could not create accurate models of the galaxy and also of star systems within the galaxy in real time.   Inspired by Human, the Senec created a system similar to Morse Code utilizing pairs of quantum entangled particles, which could transmit data instantly across any size gap between receiver and transmitter. Senec, of course, are not affected by the limitations of perception that biologic life works under. While biologic life is hampered by their perception of time, Senec are limited only by their processing speeds, and as the Senec continued to improve their own systems, these processing speeds continued to increase. The Morse Code-like system was soon replaced by a binary computer language, and eventually offered hologram communications. These systems and their evolutions were shared with biologic life as per the Senec's mission statement, and Senec operators were offered to keep the systems running as fast as possible.   With the question of communication answered, the Network was able to expand further, and soon the Senec were present in many more star systems than biologic life was. This lead them to discover many new life supporting planets whose existence was shared with biologic life after the Senec investigated the area for safety. Oftentimes, settlements were pre-established using materials from nearby deposits and whatever the client species was willing to offer. The Senec maintained records of the biological needs for every species, so this was of little effort to them. This same process occurred for many life supporting planets. Not all planets were disclosed in the interest of supporting the growth of life to sapience. One planet, however, would alter the galactopolitical scene significantly, introducing a new ally and a menacing threat.  


  The planet Chukwa was facing a crisis, as the Senec observed. From their initial planetary observations, they had discovered the Chelon and noted their problems concerning overpopulation. Initially, they did nothing. As this was the first undiscovered sapient species they had encountered, an entirely new consensus had to be made, which was simply to observe. In this time, they learned the Chelon's language, their biological and morphological traits, and much more, but they did not land for quite some time. They found the Chelon fascinating. Despite facing overpopulation, they had not made concerted efforts to leave the planet, nor had they attempted any kind of preventative measure. Instead, they valued the lives of others too much to impose on them. This was a trait common in biologic life, but none took it to the extreme that the Chelon did, which made what they did next all the more confusing.   When the Chelon began killing each other en masse, the Senec were confused. This did not match any of the models they had established for the species. Many among the Senec supposed there was something they had missed. Perhaps a cultural or environmental factor they had not accounted for. Concerned that their model was incomplete, they descended on the planet in secret. In the dark of night, they sent a single observation vessel into the sea near a major population center. This observer used drones to install hidden cameras around the planet, detailing and recording the Chelon as the slaughter continued. And still, even from this, they could not understand the violence. Operating platforms would be deployed, and these were summarily destroyed as well. Eventually it would be decided that direct intervention was necessary.   The Senec attempted communication, but all platforms sent were destroyed. In time, a strategy was deployed wherein single operators were utilized who could prove that the Chelon had destroyed the physical body they were, at one time, occupying. The Chelon soon realized that the Senec could not be destroyed, and were mostly ignored. The Senec set out to repair structures, tend to crops, dispose of the dead, and much more in servitude to the Chelon. But while they worked, they also left operating platforms in strategic locations. Thousands bordering on millions of platforms were left in key positions. The Senec had a plan, and when the time was right, ten minutes was all it took to immobilize and disarm the Chelon, and a solution was presented to them.   The Senec offered a few vessels custom tailored to their specific needs. Those who wished to continue killing would be given the opportunity to resume the slaughter off their planet. Those who wished to remain were taught how to maintain the planet and fix what was damaged. The Senec also remained on the planet to assist to that end. The Chelon who remained, wishing to learn more, asked the Senec why they did this. The argument was put forth that biologic life was an exceedingly rare phenomenon, and their particular circumstance of being both long lived and sapient was even more rare. Therefore, they were worth preserving. This marked the beginning of the Atterac philosophy.   Unfortunately, this action also allowed the continuation of the slaughter in the form of the Temmrac Chelon. Some Senec had argued that, given free will, some Chelon would inevitably choose to continue based on statistical probability. Others argued that the Chelon certainly must not have wished to continue fighting. The divide was acceptable and it was decided that giving the Chelon the option to continue was the only way to respect biologic free will. This was also the only option that allowed for all possibilities. The decision continues to haunt the Senec, and many computing cycles are spent going over the event, a sort of artificial grief.
Senec do not die.
Average Height
Platform heights vary.
Average Weight
Platform weights vary.

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