Hubert Kandee Character in Munson, NY: The Most Haunted Square Mile in the US | World Anvil

Hubert Kandee

Hubert Kandee is the salt of the earth, a plain-speaking, hard-working farmer who does his best to coax crops out of Fairfax Farms, which he bought a decade ago from Phillip Fairfax. Initially, Kandee seemed to have turned the farm's fortunes around through sheer hard work and the force of will, growing an abundance of wheat along with rye, corn, buckwheat and clover. Though the farm has hit harder times as of late, you'd never know it from Kandee's demeanor. He's as stoic and steady now that he's scratching to make ends meet as he was when he was pulling money in hand over first.   Kandee possesses an unassuming yet deep wisdom, a veritable walking farmer's almanac. Though some people refer to him as "the Dour Flour Man," this is unfair as Hubert isn't as dour as he is matter-of-fact. Yes, he spits chewing tobacco, he wears overhauls smeared with layers of God knows what, and he cusses like a sailor, but that's just his manner. If you look through the exterior and listen to his words, more often than not he speaks with great profundity, striking at the heart of the matter.   True, Kandee made few friends with his calm handling of the multiple and gruesome deaths of farm hands on his land. He dealt with the shocking situations with the same calm, unflappable approach as he does with all of life's challenges, which some took as a lack of respect. More outrageously, others suggested he committed the murders himself, a charge that Kandee would not even deign to respond to. Still, a man of his uncommon wisdom surely knows more than he's willing to let on.


Jacob Hyp


Towards Hubert Kandee


Hubert Kandee

Employer and advice giver

Towards Jacob Hyp



When Jacob arrived at Munson he knew next to nothing, though he knew he had to find work. After spending a few days at an inn looking for a place to work and stay at he was unable to. Then came a work request from Fairfax Farms. This is when he first meets Hubert Kandee unknowing to the rumors surrounding him. Even after learning about the rumors from Hubert himself, Jacob did not care for it as they are only rumors. Jacob only sees Hubert as a great person to take him in when he was lost looking for work. Jacob enjoys the uncommon pieces of wisdom and approaches Hubert has on life.

Seamus O'Malley


Towards Hubert Kandee


Hubert Kandee


Towards Seamus O'Malley



The Case Seamus is following leads him to Hubert. He takes a liking to the man's no-nonsense behavior and calm handling of things.



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