Grover Riggs Character in Munson, NY: The Most Haunted Square Mile in the US | World Anvil

Grover Riggs


Grover is a very smart man that is very good at his job. He tries to be a very good father, and for the most part succeeds. He makes some mistakes, but he doesn't neglect or use his son as a target for his issues. He also treats his wife very well. He's a good friend to Shiva but she's a better friend to him. While he wants money and fame, he's more interested in exploring what he can, and coming home safe. He doesn't want to be rich, just to have enough to make sure his son never goes without.  


He is obnoxiously curious., Painfully attentive.  


His father died of cancer when he was three. His mother had a hard time raising him and his sister due to the grief and lack of money. She received a lot of help from the church. When he was 15, his sister went missing. Again, causing his mother to fall into a depression. This is when he began paying attention and looking for his sister, trying to figure out what happened to her. He never did. However, during this time he found his best friend, Shiva Lathrop. They both enjoyed a good mystery, but butt heads a lot. He was also able to start making money by helping people with mysteries. While his mother desperately tried for her son, she lost and when he was 20 she killed herself. He and Shiva moved away and got a place together. Grover had family, but they weren't really close. Currently, he has a wife, Remona, and a three year old boy, Kiernan (after his father).  


His world is mysteries and clues, he has a hard time seeing the mundane. Everything leaps out as something important, and sometimes it causes him to go down the wrong path, wasting time and energy on something that doesn't exist. This causes issues with his relationship. [I discussed this above]. They enjoy the rush of being a detective, but they see it's causing a lot of problems, and he fears one day it'll push his wife away or he'll start something that ends with them. He wants to try and do something else, but being a detective is a part of him.  


As a child he was extremely religious, however, as he grew up he saw how little it did. His mother prayed every night and still horrible things happened. He doesn't see how there can possibly be a God. He denies it but does believe in the afterlife. He has to. With everyone he's lost, he wants nothing more than to believe they are happy. He does believe in the occult. He hasn't personally bore witness to any legendary creatures but Shiva has and he trusts her completely.  


  • Discovery/Adventure - To explore, uncover mysteries, and pioneer: He rarely backs down from a mystery. If something is brought to his attention he usually goes head first. He does his research, but doesn't much enjoy it as much as he does going in the field and uncovering the mysteries. He knows he's not one of the best but he puts everything into is and wants to discover as much as he can to make himself better.
  • Domesticity - to get married, have children, and live a family life: He already has a wife and child, but due to his chaotic and unstable upbringing he really wants to experience what it's like to be apart of a whole and complete family. He wants to be happy and have children who grow up with both kids under a roof with plenty. But he knows nothing to make him that kind of money other than being a detective, and like mentioned above, he's scared it's going to tear his family apart before it really begins.


  • Accomplishment most proud of: Having a child.
  • Most ashamed about: Choosing to be a detective over his family.
  • Fears more than anything: Losing his family.
  • Secrets kept: He's still trying to figure out what happened to his sister. Other than his family and Shiva, he really doesn't care that much about other people. He knows it's wrong, and acts like he does care.
  • Last time they wept: The birth of his son. The sheer joy of brining a life into the world.


  • Friends: He has one close friend, Shiva. She would describe him as extremely Focused, like a dog with a scent, Brash, he tries to push through people sometimes, very Intelligent, he can see things no one else can, and Protective, he does everything in his power to protect his family, from harm both physical and mental.
  • Romance: His first girlfriend was Shiva. They weren't really dating but they slept together quite a bit (stress of the job). They were and still are close, but they both saw each other better as friends. His next girlfriend became his wife (Remona). Currently, they still very much love each other, Grover more than her, and have many intimate moments, but they are beginning to see the cracks. She is pushing away because Grover has a hard time balancing his life between work and home.
  • Role Model: His father. His mother told him stories of him, how he was once a sheriff of a town. He was noble and respected. And most of all he was a great husband. He wants to be these things, the great husband more than anything. While he tries to do the right thing, he sometimes veers, and he wants to be respected, but couldn't bother doing all the social work to make it happen. He believes if he does his job well, people will respect him for that, regardless of how brash he can be.


Ragged Doll. This was his sisters. He and his mother saved up what they could and bought the cotton and yarn and their mother sewed it together. This is what they found when they noticed she was missing. It was out front laying in a patch of mud, somewhere she would never leave it. The mother kept it, and displayed it in the window thinking if her daughter saw it she'd know where to go. After his mother passed Grover took it and keeps it safe. It's a bunny, with very long ears. It's right eye is a dull green, and the left a midnight blue. The body is a faded pink. The right leg was torn off once, and sewed back on with purple yarn. The left arm is noticeably longer than the right. The left paw is also nearly white because the sister left it out in the sun one day, but only the paw was exposed. The mouth is a single string of black yarn that makes a small smile, almost like a smirk.  


Grover has the ability to see through stress, but only when things are really bad. He realized he had this ability when on one case he was pinned down by gun fire. Shiva was freaked and she wasn't even being shot at. She couldn't move to help him, but Grover was calm as could be. He knew exactly what to do to get himself out of the situation. It's like time slows down for him and he sees all the possibilities. (I guess now that I think about it, it's kind of like Sherlock Holmes in the movies). This ability allows him to get out of situations most would not.  


Lock picks - Shiva was the lock pick in the relationship until there was a case where she hurt her hands and couldn't. She had to talk Grover through it. After the case, she taught him how to pick locks and gave him a set of lock picks for his birthday. Nothing special really, just enough to get the job done. Revolver - It was his fathers. His mother kept it hidden Grover's entire life. When she passed, and he was cleaning out the house, he found it hidden in her bed. It was old and in bad shape, but he restored it. He keeps it on him, unloaded, but with at least 6 shots just in case. He has never had to use it. Binoculars - He stole these from a person he was hunting. While in the persons home looking for clues, he saw these and thought they could come in handy so he snatched them up. They were of courses the bad guys.


Grover Riggs

Friendly acquaintance

Towards Amos Church


Amos Church

Friendly acquaintance

Towards Grover Riggs



They met out of context, in a store or at the bar. They get along because they both know who they are and say what comes to mind. Grover doesn't believe as faithfully about the occult as Amos does, but that doesn't stop them from getting along enough. They aren't that close, but the closest relationship in the town.

Grover Riggs


Towards Mathilda Van Vleet


Mathilda Van Vleet


Towards Grover Riggs



Grover admires her hard work. They met after Grover went in to see if there was something he could bring back his wife. They chatted and got along well enough. They don't go out of their way to hang out, but when they cross paths they are friendly enough.

Grover Riggs


Towards Vera Gould


Vera Gould


Towards Grover Riggs



They don't see eye to eye with Religion. Grover doesn't really care if you are religious but she is so religious it bothers him. To her, I imagine, he is unwieldly and unrespectable. While he usually admires people who speak their mind, she is too much.


Physique: 2
Precision: 3
Logic: 5
Empathy: 4


Agility (+ PHY): 0 + 2
Close combat (+ PHY): 0 + 2
Force (+ PHY): 0 + 2
Medicine (+ PRE): 0 + 3
Ranged combat (+ PRE): 0 + 3
Stealth (+ PRE): 2 + 3
Investigation (+ LOG): 3* + 5
Learning (+ LOG): 2 + 5
Vigilance (+ LOG): 1 + 5
Inspiration (+ EMP): 1 + 4
Manipulation (+ EMP): 1 + 5
Observation (+ EMP): 1 + 5


Eagle Eye



Resources: Struggling
Memento: Ragged Doll
Advantage: In dire situatiation (that don't involve family) I only get calmer, with my choices becoming more clear.


What Are The Big 5 Personality Traits?
High traits are farther to the left whereas low traits are further to the right




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