Bert Mahar Character in Munson, NY: The Most Haunted Square Mile in the US | World Anvil

Bert Mahar

An old salty sea dog if I have ever seen one, Bert Mahar represents a time that has passed in our modern day of 1880. Mr. Mahar has been working at the docks of the Erie Canal for as long as I can remember. While certainly old enough to retire, Mahar has been going steady with his work for several decades after the point at which he was asked to retire. At this point it seems that his employers think that it is less trouble to just let the stubborn old man work than it is to try and keep him from coming to the docks and hauling around boxes. Looked up to by most of the other workers along the Munson sections of the canal, Mahar always has advice for the "whipper snappers" that he works alongside, usually asked for but often times not.  Mahar and Will Wigglesworth go back a long time and always make time to share a drink when the good captain comes into town.
  Mr. Mahar's... dedication to routine has given him grand (and hard to believe) stories of days when that routine was broken, stories about local legends are something that Bert has in spades. The truth behind these stories is much harder to confirm. Mr. Mahar's experience with the supernatural has given him a healthy amount of knowledge on how to repel the beasts that crowd around and below water, all in an effort on Mr. Mahar's part to be able to work at the docks without hindrance.


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