Dingleberry Schmitt Character in Muncaelo | World Anvil
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Dingleberry Schmitt (Ding-Gle-Bear-Ree Sh-Mit)

The Dwarven Poet

Forgotten Forgotten (a.k.a. Dingleberry Schmitt)

Dingleberry Schmitt is a male human who believes himself a great dwarven poet, due to his amnesia-ridden mind being confused further by a group of crazed adventurer-merchants. He at one time was a sane--though unruly--thug. Nowadays, however, he lives his life on the run, while acting more like a bard than anything else.  
Personality Trait:
Why good day sir or madam, would you like to hear my latest dribble? I swear these lines will make you desire nothing less than the perfection of dwarven life!
One day, people will recognize my poetry as geneouse! Maybe then I can finally bunker down in one local
My pet badger is my only trusted compatriot.
Ah, who were you again?

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Dingleberry Schmitt is relatively unhealthy, in part to living a wretched lifestyle, and in part to having both diseases, and severe brain damage from past head trauma that went untreated for too long. It is an honest wonder to many just how he is alive to this day.  

Facial Features

In order to better himself hide from his assailants, Dingleberry Schmitt grew a giant twirly mustache. His face isn't too pretty with or without said mustache, and he has a couple of scars from his thugging days, though he remembers not how he got them.  

Apparel & Accessories

Dingleberry Schmitt wears an array of terribly fitted clothes, often too small for him. His best article is his shirt that he got off the corpse of a recently disposed of court jester, who must have told his lord a very bad joke or piece of poetry, nothing like what Dingleberry would produce. Other clothes were collected in similar ways, taken from garbage dumps, or stolen from clothes lines.  

Mental characteristics

Personal history

At one time, Dingleberry was a normal thug, working with some wizard to overthrow a town in the middle of nowhere. Unfortunately for his original ego, during a scuffle with a band of newcomers, he was beaten over the head several times, developing a severe concussion, and eventually, after multiple strifes (due to his opponents not taking his weapons or tieing him during their attempted interrogation) he woke from a sleep spell with amnesia.   Very confused, and not at all aware of who he was, or why his head hurt so much, his assailants convinced him that he was a dwarf named Dingleberry Schmitt, that he was stealing cloaks from the thugs he had been working for, ended up in a scuffle with said thugs, and was saved by the adventurous merchants who happened to be walking by. Said merchants then convinced him that he was a great poet, sighting one of their own group's pieces of awful poetry, and told him to flee north so as to avoid confrontation with the thugs he was supposedly being chased by.   Completely failing his insight check, the man who was now Dingleberry Schmitt proceeded to flee the village by the cover of night and started to wander the north, reciting terrible poetry, and constantly moving so as to avoid a gruesome death from his make-believe assailants. During his first week on the run, he had attempted to sleep in a small den he found in the woods. During this time, he would meet a wild badger, that would proceed to rip and tear at him. adopting this badger, it would become his possibly feral compatriot, Brenda the Badger.   After a few years of this lifestyle, Dingleberry Schmitt woke once again with a splitting headache in a foreign land that he did not recognize. Not remembering how he ended up in this local, Dingleberry continued to move, hopping from town to town, hoping that the thugs after his hide would never find him. At this point, it should be noted that Dingleberry had Worldshifted to Muncaelo, but due to years of untreated head trauma, he had developed severe brain damage, and wasn't capable of properly processing information, leading him to assume that he had merely woke up in a ditch after being kicked out of a bar one night.  

Gender Identity

Dingleberry Schmitt believes he is a male but isn't too certain. For the most part, he finds himself far too preoccupied, what with the constant moving, to really care about anything personal such as that. If one were to refer to him as anything but a male, he would have no problem, being possibly gender fluid, though by means of a lack of awareness.


Along with his lack of gender awareness, Dingleberry Schmitt has no sense of sexual attraction, though if this is due primarily to his head trauma, or his life on the run, no one knows.


Any and all forms of education Dingleberry Schmitt had is now gone with his past life, and ability to properly learn new things.  


Dingleberry Schmitt is unemployed, due to being constantly on the run. He does perform poetry on the sides of streets and at bars to try and scrape by a few coppers whenever he goes, though he rarely makes any money due to how piss poor his poetry skills are.  

Mental Trauma

Due to his mind being messed with by a band of adventurous merchants, Dingleberry Schmitts mental state is a confusing mess, possibly irredeemable, short of a wish spell.  

Personality Characteristics


Dingleberry Schmitt is motivated by misplaced fear of being captured and flayed to constantly stay on the move. He is also motivated to continue his poetry by a misplaced belief that what he produces is of high quality, a lie placed in his mind by the friendly merchants who helped save him from his assailants.  
Artwork created with the Reroll app
Chaotic Neutral
Current Status
Wandering the world/ On the run
Whatever Goes
Beady & Confused Brown
Short, parted brown hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
A faded beige, as if he suffers from some illness.
107 lbs.
Known Languages
Character Prototype
This was a thug that my players litterly game amnesia and then messed with. ~Nichoals Hoar

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