Marriage Tradition / Ritual in Mudewei | World Anvil
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The primary example of marriage in Stenza mythohistory is that between Iradae and Lan'tha, as the divine representations of patience and passion respectively. The numerous stories about the way Iradae and Lan'tha help each other and solve problems are considered blueprints for the way mortal Stenza couples should behave.   In actual history, it is believed that marriage is as old as other social bonds between Stenza adults, namely the concept of blood siblings. One ancient thinker who pondered the matter for some time set out to study groups of blood siblings and long-term partnerships to determine the difference, and made a discovery: Stenza adults do not seek out members of their own clan to procreate with or to engage in long-term courtships and marriages with. Not only seminal in the sociology of clans as extended families, it was also critical in defining and solidifying the social roles that differ between a blood sibling and a long-term partner or spouse. (It also helped to explain the large number of "Romeo and Juliet" situations where one or both parties was killed in an inter-clan conflict, which had a nasty habit of making the feud worse.)   There was a spike in marriages following the Battle with the Stone Menace and Unification of Clans, arguably the most famous instance in Stenza history of the species coming together, both in groups and as a whole, to work toward a common goal. Many of the couples who formed during that period decided to make it official in the latter years and immediately afterward, and this, plus the crossing of the blood sibling relationship across clan lines that had historically been fraught with tension, contributed to a new social fabric: a unified Stenza identity.   Marriages in the Unification Period continued customs from pre-Unification (including inter-clan negotiations with droghi involved), but couples immediately found the process running much more smoothly once the society reached its own definition of consistent internal peace, and individuals could move from one clan to the other, even across the Ice Flats, with little trouble. As a result, marriages became both ritualized and an occasion to party (including special occasion foods such as Kʉrdeneχ, as well as music and dance).   Although in the pre-Unification era it was somewhat common for a marriage to contribute greatly to the rebuilding of a droga, this practice all but collapsed in the Unification era until the Clan Killings.


Stenza couples do not consider marriage until they have been through at least five courtship seasons together, and understand how they work as a team. Heterosexual couples may have one or two litters between them already, and regardless of makeup, either party in a couple may have had a litter outside that specific union.   The next logical step is, as it is in most cultures, moving in together. This is the marriage itself, and involves extensive negotiations with the couple and their respective clan elders (other parties, such as blood siblings, litter mates, and other close friends and family are optional, and may be called upon if at any point the union will involve rebuilding rites). These negotiations decide to which clan the couple will move based on the clans' needs (the clan with smaller numbers or in need of greater help with childcare or the like almost always receives the couple, and as applicable, any pups/older children). In pre-Unification days this process was relatively simple and attracted little fanfare, in part for safety reasons. In the Unification era, however, the long-term inter-clan stability allowed the process to become something of an event.   Members of both clans gather around the negotiation site and wait anxiously for the couple and the elders (and any witnesses, as needed or desired) to emerge. Pups, as is their wont, attempt to sneak in and spy on the proceedings, with varying degrees of success. There is an awful lot of idle gossip, singing, and drinking even before the negotiations have concluded. Once the parties have emerged, the elders make a formal announcement of where the couple (and any children, as applicable) will be moving. Then, the procession to that location begins (this may include pods and other small air transports if the location is far away enough). The drinking continues, and the idle gossip morphs into storytelling; it is considered especially fitting to tell stories of Iradae and Lan'tha.   Once the couple arrives at their new home, the party begins in earnest, with food, dancing, music and so on. Continuing from the above storytelling tradition, performances of They Love Each Other and They Love Us are also considered appropriate for the occasion. Merriment often continues long into the night. (It should be noted that where rebuilding is involved, the rituals associated with that practice must take place before any other attendant partying, although stories of the rebuilding clan's history and performances of its specific songs and dances can be easily interwoven into the overall merry atmosphere.)   After all of the fanfare has died down, the individuals that moved and joined a new clan formalize their change in determinatives with the Stenza government, although this only applies to written records and documents.

Components and tools

The only true constant is the negotiation space, some walled off environment, such as a tent or purpose-built building (and in vanishingly rare cases the Council Room itself) where clan elders, the couple, and any other witnesses gather to negotiate the terms of the relocation.


Four people are necessary for a marriage: the couple, and their respective clan elders (who symbolically prove that the newlyweds are unrelated). The couple or the elders or both may invite in additional parties, such as litter mates and blood siblings, although usually this is reserved for cases when a clan needs to be rebuilt.


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Apr 9, 2021 22:54 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I really like how you've included the history about why Stenza tend to only marry for love. That's fascinating. A Stenza wedding ceremony sounds nice too, after the negotiations are done!

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet
Apr 10, 2021 01:47

It's a good time! Get all your friends and family together to celebrate a special occasion :D