Model A1 - All-Terrain Multi-Purpose
The Model A1 - All-Terrain Multi-Purpose is an inexpensive, standard performance, long haul vehicle, and a favorite of factions all across Morzanna. The Model A1 is a four wheel drive, open topped, three seater vehicles with room for storage or additional seats, and a toe hook for hauling vehicles and trailers alike. The standard complement for an A1 is a driver, navigator/commander, and a technician, though these roles are often collapsed into fewer crewmen.
Produced in Motorville, these vehicles can be found in abundance in havens, settlements, and nomad bands everywhere, though it's affordable price comes at the cost of a relatively low power engine, limited operational temperatures, and mediocre quality parts.
Operational Window
The ATMP is a warm weather vehicle and, as such, the AAC advises against use of the Model A1 during The Long Winter on Morzanna except in the cases of emergencies. The minimum safe operational temerature of the A1 is -20° C, though in the case of emergencies, A1s can be used at the cost of damage to the vehicle's systems.Power Generation
The Model A1 makes use of the standard Model A - Cold Resistant battery to start its Model A Engine, which feeds electricity back into the battery during operation.
Absolute Automotive Company uses the latest and greatest affordable, easy maintenance Model A Engine to keep its Model A1 - All-Terrain Multi-Purpose vehicles rolling, delivering goods and personnel all across Morzanna reliably and safely. The engine drives a four wheel drive system and makes use of wide, high grip, all-terrain tires that are suitable for most terrain across the Temperate Belt during the warm season.
Weapons & Armament
The Model A1 is designed first and foremost as a long haul non-combat vehicle, used for trade and transportation and does not come with weapons as standard. That hasn't stopped many havens, nomads, and scavengers from equipping their A1s with weapons for the purposes of defense and raiding.
Armor and defense
The Model A1 is a versatile platform and is well suited to hauling goods and people in attached trailers over long distances. Many A1s have been up-armored by their owners and, in the case of special orders, by the AAC. The ATMP often requires other upgrades to its engine, suspension, and tires, in order to support the added weight and change of balance caused by substantial armor upgrades.
Communication Tools & Systems
All Model A1s come with flares for use in emergencies. The Model A1 - Convoy variant of the A1 comes equipped with a short range radio for use with the Model A1 - Command which is equipped with a long range radio and a detachable, multi-purpose radio antenna.
Model A1, A1, ATMP
The last car that you'll ever buy.
2800 lbs
50 mph
Complement / Crew