The Forgotten Species in Mortas | World Anvil
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The Forgotten

These demonic beings have a form so unbearable that once a person looks away their very existence is forced out of their mind. Only by forcing their mind to remember them via magic can help them remember these beings.

Basic Information


Vaguely humanoid, with skeletal features and black, bony spikes protruding from the back and shoulders. Leathery brown-red skin stretched over thin muscle general the body, crushing blood vessels. No eyes can be observed, only a wide, smiling mouth that extends last where ears would be on a person. Teeth extending up to seven and a half inches, charcoal black and jagged. The spine protrudes through the skin, exposed. Agony courses through them whenever a breeze licks their backs. So unholy is their existence that even their master has cast them from Hell.

Genetics and Reproduction

Demon reproduction is still unobserved, though Incubi and Succubi provide evidence that they made traditionally.

Growth Rate & Stages

The Forgotten have so far only been observed in one stage, though some speculate that their large have a different, equally horrific appearance that has yet to be drawn accurately.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

It is unknown how they seem to "see" without any eyes to be observed, but they respond to the correct stimuli. They have an incredible sense of taste, and can pinpoint the tiniest impurity in anything they taste. Their tongues resemble those of snakes, and can be used to pinpoint smells.
Scientific Name

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