New Dawn Organization in Morgrave | World Anvil
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New Dawn

New Dawn is a multi-provincial budding revolution with the goal of freeing the provinces of Qemt'Or from the shackles of the Qemti empire. Qemt'Or is an empire built up of many conquered nations. Most of these former nations have been part of the military giant for long enough that they've become assimilated into the overall Qemti culture, if there is such a thing. However, some of the more recent additions to Qemt'Or, as well as some that have held fast to their culture, have sensed an opportunity to free themselves and the other former nations from the yoke of the Qemti. "Liberation at any cost" is their rallying cry.


Duke Edelzwerg is the grandson of the last ruler of Dzern. Dzern, now a province of Qemt'Or, was formerly a small nation of Copper Dwarves who split off from Krag-a-Krach centuries ago. Duke Edelzwerg find the current chieftain of Qemt'Or, Chieftain Bolozuun IV, to be insufferable, heavy handed, arrogant, and most of all, weak and stupid. Duke Edelzwerg is a secretive man with a mind for intrigue; over the last 3 decades, he has been plotting to overthrow Bolozuun IV. As Bolozuun IV gets older and succession is around the corner, Edelzwerg worries that time is running out for the coup he has been planning - a new chieftain would mean new plans, not to mention that Bolozuun's successor might actually be competent. So far, high-up nobles in several provinces have joined the New Dawn, and they scheme in the shadows to release themselves from the grasp of the largest nation in Morgrave.


New Dawn's leader, Duke Edelzwerg, is excellent at intrigue, and would prefer to handle their liberation through diplomacy and perhaps a vial of poison, but he also has a back-up plan in place for a more direct attack on Qemt'Or. If it comes down to it, New Dawn has accumulated a significant armory to supply freedom fighters.
Secret, Government


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