Mondaris Geography
The world of Mondaris contains 2 super continents, one fractured and claimed by a number of different races, and the other, home solely to the elves.
There are smaller islands and continents around the world, the isle of Ventris, the pirate isles, the archipelago of Aki'lua.
The Elven Protectorate is defended by a ring of sheer mountain ranges rising out of the sea, permitting access in it's south east only. Many speculate about this, as geographically this is incredibly unlikely. Scholars hypothesize that the natural magic of the elves has allowed them drag these mountains out of the ocean, to make their homeland almost completely inaccessible, while other, more cynical people suggest that centuries of slave labour is the true cause. The elves are silent either way.
The continent of Nor is divided between the Dragonborn, Dwarves, Humans, and Tieflings as they expanded after the abandonment of the elves. Each had their own area the elves had confirmed them to, either for their racial qualities making them perfect for the terrain or for the slave labour the elves had them performing. The Dwarves, for example, were confined to a particularly mountainous region, being perfect for mining quarries.
The Halflings had taken over the northland, but brought about the downfall of their own culture, destroying the countryside in the process, resulting in a permanent frost covering the land. They are now a people misplaced, unwelcome as permanent residents elsewhere, the story of their destructive habits having spread.
Ventris is a smaller island, with a smaller racial profile settling there. Minotaurs were found to the north, building block stone buildings amongst flat tableland, using the almost labyrinthine canyons as their homes and trade routes.
Goblinoids of various species can be found to the thick forests of the west, building small villages and trading amongst themselves. They would make pilgrimages to the base of a great rocky spire near the centre of the island for numerous cultural rituals.
Included Locations
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I like how you inverted some cliches about the races, with things like evil elves and unwelcome halflings. That's a good thing, in my opinion.
Thank you! I wanted to take the idea of elven arrogance to the extreme, and see what that would cause for a world where they were once the prominent species, and the halflings was actually accidental, as the event that destroyed that land sorted emerged before I decided who was behind it.