Skull of Dah Item in Mithra | World Anvil

Skull of Dah

Although this is not the real skull of Dah, and although it really doesn't do anything, even if it was the real skull of Dah, the people of Zastor hold it in high regard. This skull, mostly likely from some poor old farmer or something, was brought to Zastor some two hundred years ago. It was brought by a mal named Jimma Jomma which sounds like a ridiculous name, I know. It is a fake name. Here in the south, the Wood-Mal is known as a trickster who does stuff like this for fun, but the humans of the Hearthlands still haven't figured that out I guess. He brought a skull to the king and convinced him it was the skull of Dah. And these days, the people of Zastor base their right to exist off that one skull. A fact that many here find really funny, and I must admit, it is one of his funnier "pranks". So if you read this, I kindly request you not to tell this to whoever is the leader of Zastor now, although I don't he/she will believe you. I think it's funny how humans can make a god out of some random dude and then start worshipping a skull that is not even his. Although Dah wasn't just some guy, but my point still stands. Even though this might be one of his most elaborate pranks ever, Jimma has done some other noteworthy things like tricking the S.E.P.S into all wearing carved pumpkins on their head during a raid because there were supposedly creatures at the raid that could turn you to stone with their gaze.
Item type
Unique Artifact

Cover image: by Pimenefusarund


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