Kowashian Desert
As one of the, if not the, hottest places in and around Mithra, the heart of the Kowashian desert has a reputation for taking many lives. Although numerous peoples call this place their home, this sea of dunes is notoriously unlivable. Despite this, some people have found their way there. Little water is to be found in the desert, oases are few and far between and the wildlife seems less like an ecosystem and more like one of those stories about islands where everything wants to eat you. This isn't totally true of course, how else could it sustain itself? But the amount of different things that want to kill you here, is quite remarkable.
Living conditions
While the temperature of the region can sometimes go up to 50°. While during the night, the temperature goes down significantly. Often to a point where you can freeze your water overnight. This means animals that live here must have adapted for both cold and hot climates. Herd animals, like one hump camels, sleep tightly packed together at night, preserving body heat by sleeping in such close proximity. Other animals burrow in or find other types of shelter. Although most burrow during the day, not during the night. People, like Sun-Malen, Humans, or some subspecies of Kha'iirn, bring tents and sometimes firewood on longer trips. Tents are essential not only at night but also during the hottest part of the day when shelter is a must. This is why having a mount of some sort is also quite essential when going into the desert. This is so they can carry your water food and shelter. Camels are especially good for this since they can go weeks without drinking, making them ideal for trips through or across the desert.