
The Bahmari are a group of Humans who live in the Kowashian Desert on the coast of the Sea of Sails. They are known for their lavish tapestries and carpets.    


The Bahmari are a trader people and are not great warriors. Although there have been some Bahmari who've been great warriors, they mostly keep to peaceful trading. And with peaceful I mean no physical violence, they'll happily talk you out of your clothes if you let them. This trait has led them to be conquered many times. Often they don't even really resist when a new empire rises and just fall in with them. They know that their resources and craftsmanship are too valuable to risk in a war. This is why there is rarely a Bahmari empire or kingdom. These days, however, the Bahmari enjoy independence from any outside force, getting protection from the Clans who want to keep the Bahmari as an independent trading partner.    


The Bahmari are maybe most known for their incredible and expensive tapestries and carpets. These Carpets can be found throughout the world, owned by royals, nobles, rich merchants, and successful individuals. It takes years and sometimes decades to complete one and they are usually made from wool, but sometimes also from silk. The wool is boiled and colored and then woven onto a frame. Then, by hand, each frill is knotted onto the frame by hand. Some weaveries employ hundreds of people. Sometimes there can be a dozen people working on a single carpet.

Cover image: by Pimenefusarund


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