Qamaar Organization in Misremembered Realms | World Anvil


Qamaar is the name of the trade guild in Ashamaal that runs the gambling dens in that town. In addition they have smaller locations in nearly every kingdom or large city. They are most known for their games of chance and make a good deal of coin from them, but much of their success also stems from the services they offer. Some examples of these services are sending messages, letters and coin securely across long distances. They have singers, dancers, and storytellers. The larger locations have public baths and massage parlors and perform plays as well. All of their locations also serve food and drink including spices and dishes from distant lands. These keep people happy and spending coin at their games, but also are an attraction in their own right.
Less well known are is their trade in information, secrets, and some less savory things. Their varied locations allows for a wide web for their information network. Combined with the prestige of some of their clientele, they know much more than people think they do. They keep most of this secret and close. They understand perfectly well how important their discretion is to their success, but also when to use the information, or threaten to do so to protect themselves or get something they need when necessary.
To those who know how to ask, they are also the easiest and most reliable way to get illicit drugs and items not commonly available, or even legal, in the places they are from. Even though this is known to the law-keepers in a given land, they ignore it as long as it is done quietly, both because it is hard to prove, and more importantly, because having a Qamaar gambling den in your land is more beneficial than detrimental.                      
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