Baron Falco Servanti Character in Miscellaneous Material for Other Games | World Anvil

Baron Falco Servanti

Pity, we've made more dead men. You know, they say we're made by the gods and in their image. They kill all the time, don't they? We're cut from the same cloth, us and them. Do they do it to keep in fashion with us? Do we kill to live up to their example? Regardless of who keeps the wheel spinning it's easy to see the appeal isn't it? Nothing makes you feel more powerful that watching a life end in your hands.
— Baron Falco Servanti
Baron Servanti is a philosopher, artist, collector, peerless warrior and the first son of the lord of House Servanti. There are no men like him.
From the balconies of Greyhaven he lords over his father's serfs as they toil away beneath the humid heat and torrential rains of his his ancestral land. These servants trade away their lives in the flooded farmlands or the razor-sharp menageries of the Glass Garden for the safety offered by Greyhaven's dour defenders, the Iron Lions.
The Servanti bloodline has long been one of indifference to the plight of its people, though it has always brought an abundance of opportunity and wealth into Greyhaven as well. While unloved by their lords the people working the land had always been well compensated, protected, and able to have a taste of the finery their masters indulged in. However; recent years have not been as kind. Multiple seasons of flooding have led to the already famously rain-drenched region becoming a swamp. With these waters dangerous predators that usually lurked deeper in the wetlands that now prey upon the commoners as well. These hardship have yet to impact House Servanti directly as they are still opting to throw gold at the problem but soon the family's wealth will be eclipsed by the increasing severity of the troubles plaguing Greyhaven. When that happens they will either have to deal with the issues facing them or come face the inevitable uprising of their people.
Falco is one of few in his family that recognizes the impending disaster that looms on the horizon. He manages the finances and works with the surrounding noble houses to keep Greyhaven profitable. His highest priority for the estate is the construction of a sewage and pump system to help drain the land. So far, progress has been stymied by financial support, competition from neighboring houses, and infighting among the siblings who all fight for their father's approval and a place in his will.
These stresses have pushed Falco to relieve his frustrations on the peasantry and house staff. During the day that may come in the form of callousness and grueling work schedules. By night, Falco's rage can boil over into violent cravings. He will seek out enemies of the house end them in secret. Maintaining his noble reputation is incredibly important and even while in the grips of a rage. He will remain aware enough to know that whatever mess is made will need to be carefully cleaned afterward. That rage might take the form of a violent outburst if pushed but more often than not he will maintain his cool demeanor while inside all his senses are honed toward spilling blood. It often results in a gristly and slow death while he waxes philosophic about the victims flaws or the nature of life, death, and humanity.
Noble Barbarian by Antti Hakosaari

Cover image: Noble Barbarian by Antti Hakosaari


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