Wraiths Species in Mirydain | World Anvil
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Wraiths are a race of the undead that haunt the magical land of Mirydain and wreak havoc upon the peaceful peoples of the land. Many of them are servants of the Dark King of Malgrond who guard his castle and fight in his army.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Wraiths are described as dark, foreboding, ghost-like creatures with almost no discernible features. They appear as ghostly figures in black robes with bone-thin hands and their faces are completely veiled in darkness.

Genetics and Reproduction

Wraiths are the result of a human soul lingering in the World with an intent of tormenting the living.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Wraiths typically dwell in the Dead Woods and in the hills and barrows near Malgrond.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Wraiths possess powers involving fear and decay, which they use to wreak harm on the good peoples of Mirydain. The mere presence of a Wraith can blight food and curdle drink, which implies that they bring pestilence with them. Wraiths are able to make their victims recall their worst memories and they can even force their victims to hallucinate their greatest fear.
Average Height
Average Weight
Not applicable

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