Valimar Character in Mirydain | World Anvil
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Sir Valimar of Gonnarch is a tertiary character in the Tales of Mirydain literary series. He is the brother of Baldarin and accompanies David McKay and Ginny Langford on their quest to defeat the Dark King and free the land of Mirydain. He is currently a knight of the Noble Order of the Crown.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Valimar is a well-built man with fair skin, brown eyes, and brown hair to his shoulders. He has stubble growing on his face rather than a full beard.

Apparel & Accessories

Valimar wears dark colored pants, a leather jerkin, and league-boots on most journeys. In battle, he wears plate armor over chain mail and wears a surcoat bearing his brother's coat of arms as they are of the same house.

Specialized Equipment

Valimar's primary weapon is his broadsword, which he has named Ligenstal.

Mental characteristics


Like his brother Baldarin, Valimar was taught reading and writing and also taught in the ways of knighthood. Upon his coming of age at eighteen, he was given a degree of command of the army of Gonnarch. At age twenty-one, he took the oaths of knighthood and was made a knight by his father, the Lord Doratheon.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Valimar was given a position of command in the army of Gonnarch with his brother Baldarin holding more authority. He captained the Army of the White Castle during a siege when Baldarin was away in Elmwood and managed to keep the Dark King's army at bay long enough for his brother to return with a host of Elves.

Failures & Embarrassments

Valimar was often bested at swordplay by Baldarin, but has since gained strength so his skill would equal that of his brother.

Morality & Philosophy

Valimar believes the peoples of Mirydain should remain free, but unlike his brother, he has faith in the prophecy and looks to the day when the Dark King will be utterly defeated.

Personality Characteristics


Valimar is motivated by his desire for a free Mirydain and is hopeful for the fruition of the prophecy foretelling the Dark King's defeat.

Virtues & Personality perks

Valimar is a courageous man and fights until his efforts are rewarded. He trusts his comrades in battle and seeks to keep matters orderly. Valimar also attempts to prove to his father that he is as capable as his brother Baldarin and often succeeds.

Vices & Personality flaws

Valimar tends to trust in hope more than he should, which often leads to conflict with more doubtful comrades.


Contacts & Relations

Baldarin, Dorathon, the Army of Gonnarch

Family Ties

  • Dorathon (Father)
  • Baldarin (Older brother)
  • Beatryn (Mother; deceased)
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lord Valimar, Sir Valimar, Captain of Gonnarch, Knight of the Noble Order of the Crown
Year of Birth
1196 M.T. 29 Years old
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
152 lbs
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common Tongue

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