Jeger Almistjar Character in Mirydain | World Anvil
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Jeger Almistjar

Jeger Almistjar, often referred to as the High King-Above-the-Heavens, is the ruler of all creation and the maker of all things. When they come to the land of Mirydain, David McKay and Ginny Langford learn that his name ("I Am, Maker of All") is how the peoples of Mirydain refer to God, who is the Triune God and Creator of all life. Jeger is the only being who has always been and never has not been in existence, though no one can say how. He is transcendent and is regarded as all-knowing, all-seeing, all-powerful, unchanging, incorruptible, and eternal. In this way, the High King-Above-the-Heavens is the only being who is perfect in all ways.

Divine Domains

All things good: life, love, mercy, justice, peace, hope, truth

Holy Books & Codes

The Bible (in the world)

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The dove symbolizes the Eternal Light, who guides the souls of those who follow Jeger. The olive branch is Jeger's sign of peace. The cross is currently used by the peoples of Mirydain as the symbol of Jesu Eilsar, the Eternal Savior.


The Day of Life, Juldag, The Ides of March, The Day of Mourning

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Jeger's goal is to have a relationship of faith and love with his living creations, for He is the example of pure, unconditional, divine love. As He abhors evil because there is none whatsoever in Him, Jeger desires to call humanity to Him by having them turn from evil and look to Him for wisdom. While some say that He is forceful, this is a lie because Jeger does not force Himself upon His creations but lets them choose their paths. He is merciful unto all who ask his mercy and never abandons His people, and when they repent, He blesses them.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

The peopple of Mirydain say that to look upon Jeger Almistjar is to behold true glory, for He is "more magnificent than all the eons of sunlight, vaster than the air, loving deeper than all the oceans, stronger than the foundations of the World, and greater than the bonds of thought and time."

Special abilities

Love, justice, wisdom, omnipotence

Mental characteristics

Personal history

It is told in Mirydain that Jeger Almistjar created "the Heaven and the Earth" by speaking the Earth into being out of form and matter. He declared light into being, and separated the light from the darkness, thus creating the first day. On the second day, the High King-Above-the-Heavens spoke and the sky was formed.   On the third day, He made dry land appear and made the earth fertile. On the fourth day, Jeger made the stars, the sun, and the moon to divide night and day. On the fifth day, He made the birds and all life in the seas, then every creature that treads the earth on the sixth day. Then Jeger formed Adam, the first human, and made him a steward for the earth. With His good creation complete, Jeger rested on the seventh day, and He made it a holy day.   Jeger Almistjar planted a garden "rich in all things green and good in the world" in the East, and He made this place Adam's home. Adam was tasked with tending for the Garden and could eat fruit from its trees. Only one tree was forbidden to him: the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, for Jeger warned Adam that tasting its fruit would make him know right and wrong, and he would bring sin and death into the World. Adam was also tasked with naming the creatures on the earth, and whatever Adam called them, that is what they were named. But while the creatures had a companion, male and female, he was alone. Jeger sent Adam into a total sleep and took one of his ribs, and He created a mate for Adam; the first woman, and she was given the name Eve. And thus came about the creation of Men, made in the image of the Eternal Father.   Adam and his wife Eve lived in the Garden of the East, and they were at total peace. They were both naked, but were not ashamed, for all they knew was innocence. However, Czarnoth came to the Garden and tempted Eve into eating fruit from the Tree of Knowledge, for he wanted to ruin the beauty of the Creation and upset Jeger’s good plans. Jeger drove Adam and Eve out from the Garden forever, for they had brought sin into the World. However, Jeger never forgot the race of Men, and He had a plan from the beginning to bring triumph out from tragedy, though it would be harder than anyone could possibly imagine.


Contacts & Relations

Jesu Eilsar, the Eternal Light, the Magar, the Aniolr
Divine Classification
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The High King-Above-the-Heavens, the Eternal Father, the Father of All Life, the Lord of All, the Maker of the World, Lord of Heaven and Earth, the Mighty One, He Who Is, the Healer, the Renewer, the Redeemer of Men, the Lord of Might, the God of High Heaven, the Bright Sun of the Heavens
Current Residence
Related Myths
Ruled Locations

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