Ghouls Species in Mirydain | World Anvil
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Ghouls are a breed of creatures that inhabit the magical land of Mirydain. Many of them serve the Dark King of Malgrond as soldiers and guards at his castle.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Ghouls are pale, haggard creatures with pointed ears, red or yellow eyes, and rotten teeth. They have thin, filthy hair and also very sharp claws for stabbing and tearing at prey.

Genetics and Reproduction

Ghouls are creatures of the undead, and therefore are not produced by natural conception but through magic.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Ghouls are carnivorous and also man-eaters as they are known to catch and kill human who stumble into their midst.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Ghouls inhabits the Dead Woods near Malgrond and the surrounding hills.

Average Intelligence

Ghouls are intelligent enough to dress themselves and craft simple weapons. But beyond that, they have little intelligence and do not speak.
100+ years
Average Height
Average Weight
120 lbs

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