Baldarin Character in Mirydain | World Anvil
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Sir Baldarin of Gonnarch is a tertiary character in the Tales of Mirydain literary series. He accompanies David McKay and Ginny Langford on their quest to free Mirydain from the Dark King of Malgrond and is currently Captain of the Noble Order of the Crown.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Baldarin is a tall, strongly built man with fair skin, light brown hair to his shoulders, and bright green eyes. He sports a fine beard and has a straight-eagle nose.

Apparel & Accessories

Baldarin wears brightly colored tunics, pants, and boots, and is seen wearing armor in battle. His coat of arms is a bronze eagle on a blue field.

Specialized Equipment

Baldarin's chief weapon is his sword Sejren, which belonged to his father Dorathon before him.

Mental characteristics


Baldarin was tutored in his early years in reading and writing, and was taught how to fight with swords, spears, and axes. He also practiced riding and jousting in his years as a squire and at age twenty-one, he was made a knight and became the commander of the army of Dinas Caradorn within only a year.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Baldarin became High Captain of Gonnarch within a year of achieving knighthood. In this position, he kept Gonnarch safe from the Dark King's armies and supported Anglor as well as the Elves and the Dwarves. He kept the Orolks from establishing strongholds in the lands of Men and defended Elmwood and Greenlawn from attacks made by the Dark King.

Failures & Embarrassments

Baldarin was not always a good student when it came to his studies. It took him some years to become an accomplished swordsman and he started out as a poor rider.

Intellectual Characteristics

Baldarin is a decisive military leader and commands respect from those whom he trains and fights beside. He is a skilled horseman and tracker and has traveled to Anglor, Ramm-land, Cedarheim, and even northern Trädvellir. Baldinor is most skilled with a sword, but is also a fair archer and spear-thrower and has trained many knights at Dinas Caradorn himself.

Morality & Philosophy

Baldarin firmly believes that the kingdom of Gonnarch ought to be restored to lift the kingdom out of its decline, but he is doubtful of the old prophecy and accepts evidence from his eyes rather than his ears. He believes that the free peoples of Mirydain deserve to keep their freedom and that no one has the right to impose his will on others. Baldarin befriends David McKay and Ginny Langford on their first meeting in the Silver Knight Inn, but is skeptical of the claim that they are the ones who can fulfill the prophecy of the Dark King's downfall. However, he comes to accept them after the Skirmish in Sommar Wald and stands beside them through to the end.

Personality Characteristics


Baldarin is motivated by his desire to protect his home province of Gonnarch and to see peace in the land of Mirydain between the free peoples of the land.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Baldarin is a skilled swordsman and rider and has demonstrated skills in archery as well.

Virtues & Personality perks

Baldarin is a bold, honest, and good-hearted man who is willing to fight and even die for his home city of Dinas Caradorn. He is accepting of evidence that he sees with his eyes, but learns to trust his heart when his senses fail him.

Vices & Personality flaws

Baldarin is sometimes hasty to judge and when he met David and Ginny for the first time, he was skeptical about the possibility that they could be the ones to fulfill the prophecy.


Contacts & Relations

Valimar, Dorathon, the Army of Gonnarch

Family Ties

  • Dorathon (Father)
  • Valdimar (Younger brother)
  • Beatryn (Mother, deceased)

Religious Views

Baldarin is a believer in the High King-Above-the-Heavens, but often asks the Magar to carry his prayers to Jeger for him as he feels that he is not worthy to present them himself.

Social Aptitude

Baldarin is rather polite and is easy to get along with, and he is quick to defend those close to him whether with words or strength. He can speak rather sharply when voicing points, but he has a cool head and is quick to make up for any wrongdoings on his part.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lord Baldarin, Sir Baldarin, Captain of Gonnarch, Captain of the Army of the White Castle, Captain of the Noble Order of the Crown
Year of Birth
1189 M.T. 36 Years old
Current Residence
Light brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
172 lbs
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common Tongue

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