Anglorim Ethnicity in Mirydain | World Anvil
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The Anglorim are Men who dwell in the realm of Anglor, which lies to the northwest of Gonnarch.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Greda, Briandis, Eflin, Emera, Miurne, Danare, etc.

Masculine names

Carlsian, Celengal, Erolin, Joringal, Théodric, Rolthain, Bragwine, etc.


Major language groups and dialects

Anglish is the language used by the Men of Anglor.

Shared customary codes and values

The people of Anglor highly value liberty, justice, truth, valor, and faith. They share most of their values with the Men of Gonnarch, but they also have other values of great importance. They consider men deserving of respect and power and consider those who will help them their allies. The Anglorim have proven themselves willing to aid their neighbors in times of trouble, but they have rigid rules about keeping alliances, such as breaking ties with dishonest allies.

Common Dress code

As in Gonnarch, Men wear cloth tunics and long pants and typically wear boots. Women wear ankle-length dresses and shoes, and both men and women of nobility wear capes. The peasantry can wear most any color, but violet is meant explicitly for royalty as violet is a symbol of kingly power. Red is primarily a color linked with nobility, thus few vassals and peasants wear red in Anglor.

Art & Architecture

Most houses in the villages of Anglor are made from mud bricks and have roofs made from straw and wooden beams. Castles and manors are built from stone and most homes of nobility are decorated with tapestries. As in Gonnarch, the streets of villages are mostly earthen.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Juldag (or Christmas) is celebrated in Anglor with feasting and sport as well as offering gifts to one's neighbors.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

When a baby is born, the mother and father christen their child on the third day after its birth. The infant's brow is rubbed with powdered sugar to signify the sweetness of life, after which the mother bathes her infant to symbolize the cleansing of wrongdoing through the love of the High King-Above-the-Heavens.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Tombs are utilized for the royalty and nobility while common graves given to those of lesser classes.

Common Taboos

As in Gonnarch, crimes such as thievery and violence are punished in Anglor with imprisonment or exile. Treason often results in lifelong exile or execution.


Beauty Ideals

The Anglorim have fair standards of grooming. They bathe twice a week and let their hair grow long, and they consider healthy skin a benefit. Fitness is also a major component in the beauty ideals in Anglor.

Gender Ideals

Men hunt, farm, and fight for their land as well as work in the villages and cities of Anglor. Women typically work in the home, but are in charge of the home while their husbands are away.

Courtship Ideals

In Anglor, a man who is courting a woman meets with her three times every month. The woman usually brings her man an apple that she has watered with her own tears of joy, and the man tastes the apple to show his devotion. When the man asks the woman if she will marry him, he brings her a treasure from his own house as a sign of their union. If the woman agrees, she brings the gift to her own home. The wedding is held in seven days.

Major organizations

  • Kingdom of Mirydain
Encompassed species
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