Aeryna Rustleton Character in Mirror world | World Anvil
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Aeryna Rustleton (Air-ree-na)

Redeemed by: TheFanFictioneerGuy

Aeryna Rustleton (a.k.a. The Orphan)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Aeryna is a fit young woman, and physically very healthy. In the past she always tried to hide her Sater ears, who are longer than the Human ears. But this was next to imposible.

Identifying Characteristics

Aeryna has a visible scar from under her chin to the top of her left a visible scar from under her chin to the top of her left shoulder, one across the back of both her calves and another across her right shoulder blade are present whenever she’s changing clothes or bathing. A sign of her mother's death.

Special abilities

Aeryna can hear the force that possess people on the hill. Something she only told her mother and her best friend. But after her mother's death it was refiled that her mother had told others about her ability to hear them from the other side of the village.   Other than that her ability to create beautiful music, made her feel special. Something that was hers, but after her mother died she lost the passion to create music.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Aeryna is the daughter of a mother who already lost two children and a husband to the devastated event of the ruin on the hill. All the children and some grown-ups became possessed by an unknown force. Her mother didn't want to talk about it, but still had to because how else do you warn your child not to get close to the ruin on the hill. But Aeryna still couldn't understand the warnings of her mother. At night, she could hear the voices of her half-siblings and her stepfather inside her bedroom. Calling out for her, begging her to come and safe her. But when she tells this to her mother she dismisses it.   Aeryna's father was a Sater traveler that heard about the story of the village, and wanted to see what it was all about. He and her mother spend one night together and he left the next day, not to be seen again. So Aeryna never met him.   On the night of her fourteenth birthday she heard the calls again. Something according to her mother shouldn't be possible. They live the furthest away from the ruin, but still she could hear them. Calling her name, promising her that they will accept her even with her Sater ears. It was no secret that she was bullied by the other children inside the village, or laughed at by some of the adults. The only two that accepted her were her mother and her best friend Ivy. She stood up from her bed and walked over to her window. The ruin was light by the moonlight, it was a shadow of the building it once was, an echo of the past. Again there were the voices, begging her to come to them, promising her love acceptance. And some other things. Aeryna left her room, her house and wondered the streets to the ruin on the hill. Throwing her mother's, no, each of the adults warnings into the wind.   She stood at the foot of the hill, but nobody was there. She called out the names of her half-siblings, her stepfather. But there was nobody who answered. In fact for the first time in her life it was quiet, deadly quiet. Still she stepped forward, and after that everything happened so fast. She was grabbed by something, something strong. She screamed, her mother voice calling her name, echoed moments later in her ears. She was laying on the grass, back at the foot of the hill. Her mother and some other figures were standing on the other side. Smiling at her, their eyes completely black. That was when she knew that her mother was gone, and she was the one responsible for her fate. All the other villagers started to gather around her, women started to attend to her deep wound. Which would leave a scare on her face and back, a mark of her carelessness and her mother's death.


Aeryna is being taught at home. Her mother taught her math, writing, reading geography and how to take care of herself.


After her mother's death she was forced to take over her mother's duties. Tending the vegetable garden, taking care of the house and animals.

Mental Trauma

After her mother's death Aeryna blamed herself, she those not listen to the other's inside the village. The ones that claimed that she was not to blame. The ones who blamed the force that possess their loved once. But still she has being warned not to go there all her life, and still she went. This is something nobody could deny, and still they tried. But Aeryna those not listen to them, and stays most of the time all by herself. Even limits her time with her best friend Ivy.

Intellectual Characteristics

Aeryna is a very bright young woman, with a great love for music and dance. Something according to her mother, she could thank her father for. Sometimes she joked that she would travel the kingdom like he did, and earn her Acorns with her musical talent.


Aeryna refuses to talk about her mother, and the rest of that night.


Contacts & Relations

Aeryna is a citizen of the Human village Iluzan. All the villagers know her.

Religious Views

Aeryna believes in the Gods of Mirror World, but she believes that they did a poor job to protect their creation. Why else were the creatures able to take her mother, why else were the creatures permitted to exist in the first place.

Social Aptitude

Aeryna is very withdrawn, keeps herself to herself and wants to avoid any type of conversation. Because she always suspects that other will talk to her about one thing, and one thing. Her mother and what happened that night.
Current Location
Circumstances of Birth
Wanted by mother
Amber Yellow
Brunette, hip-length hair with a distinctive, 4-inch long blonde tip at the end, which is 1-2 inches long on her sideways fringe. Prefers to keep a golden hair clip in her hair of 4 variously sized circles
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white
1,50 meters
70 kilograms
Garden of the Gods
Known Languages

Cover image: by Djordje Ristic
Character Portrait image: by Pexels


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Dec 10, 2022 12:57 by Sailing Ocelot

Hi Nathalia! Thank you for sharing your article with me. I'm very curious about the Satar, I am intrigued about what they're about and what they can do. I like how you introduce Aeryna's heritage quickly by mentioning her ears. You might wish to remove 'very' between physically and healthy. There's a lot of mystery in this article about this character, nice work!

~~~~~~~~ SailingOcelot