Keeping the Light Tradition / Ritual in Miria | World Anvil
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Keeping the Light

Where darkness is, light overcomes

Prowling Destroyers

There are many types of abominations about the world of Miria. They take on many forms as a twisted re-creation of the Bright One's creations, be it kin-soul (people) or animal. However they do not have the power or authority to copy His creation completely. Tell-tale signs will be something no-quite-right with what the eye sees and something always missing. Usually a mist of darkness follows them.



If all one does are crooked things day in and day out, they are contributing to the number of abominations in Miria, but they do not know this or believe it. Once a soul changes their ways for good, this can destroy the invitation to their door and possibly lessen the numbers - even save a life.
Strange Occurrences
Unusual happenings are caused by an invitation to darkness in one's life and home. This is sometimes done unintentionally, but not without consequence. One can close the door to darkness by turning to the light.
Physical light or spiritual light. Lighting an area will keep abominations from walking into it's radius. Spiritual light is made by constant prayer over time, growing to a level of sanctification - and nothing dark will ever trespass it.
Life and death are in the tongue. A choice to hurt or heal which everyone has the power to do. There is an even more powerful way to keep abominations away when one is in clear view. The name of the Bright One and it will flee.


Tale or Truth

Not everyone believes any of these to be real, and those that do are usually characterized as crazy or ill. Some swear by it and encourage others to give it a try.
There is no such thing that a material can ward off abominations

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Cover image: by Unknown Artist


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